4 results

NCCP: Preparing for carp herpesvirus: a carp biomass estimate for eastern Australia

This study was undertaken by the Arthur Rylah Institute for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Carp occur in a broad range of aquatic habitats (e.g. rivers, estuaries, wetlands, lakes, impoundments and irrigation networks) and their density varies spatially and temporally...
La Trobe University Melbourne Campus

Stock structure of Australian populations of orange roughy using microsatellite analyses

Project number: 1997-118
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $32,100.00
Principal Investigator: Ross Crozier
Organisation: La Trobe University Melbourne Campus
Project start/end date: 22 Jun 1997 - 26 Jun 2002


Despite the past studies, the question of the stock structure of Australian orange roughy remains unresolved. Broadly, the evidence supports the concept of somewhat localised stocks although with some inter-stock migration - it is really the extent of the migration that remains unknown.

Current management plans are largely based on the premise that southern Tasmanian fish are from a distinct stock from St Helens Hill fish, yet evidence in favour or opposing this proposition is weak.

We propose here an analysis of the stock structure of Australian orange roughy based on the examination of DNA microsatellites. DNA microsatellites will enable a more powerful analysis of genetic stock structure than has hitherto been possible. The study will focus on the relationships of fish from eastern Australia (New South Wales, St Helens Hill, southern Tasmania) but will also examine samples from the Tasman Sea (in particular Lord Howe Rise), New Zealand, and, as a presumably reproductively isolated population, the North Atlantic.


1. To develop DNA microsatellite genetic markers for orange roughy
2. To use these markers to delineate stocks of orange roughy from Australian waters
3. To use these markers to compare Australian samples with New Zealand samples.
4. To use these markers to compare North Atlantic samples with Australasian samples

Final report

Breeding structure and stock identification in blacklip and greenlip abalone (Haliotis species)

Project number: 1985-008
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Neil Murray
Organisation: La Trobe University Melbourne Campus
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1989 - 31 Dec 1989


1. Determine dispersal capabilities & breeding structure of blacklip & greenlip abalone: SA, Tas, Vic & NSW waters.
2. Determine if interbreeding between black & green, & extent. Spatial & temporal distribution of genetic variations. Information to mgrs on stock/recreational relationships hence sustainable yield

The determination of optimal management regimes for the southern bluefin tuna fishery in the context of the Australian Fishing Zone

Project number: 1982-076
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Organisation: La Trobe University Melbourne Campus
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1984 - 31 Dec 1984


1. Integrate economic and biological data on southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus macoyii) fishery into a computer model,
2. to produce estimates of likely returns from alternative fishing strategies, including various degrees of participation by Japanese vessels
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