121 results

Assessment of the Victorian rock lobster fishery

The southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsit) is fished commercially in south-eastern Australia and New Zealand. The Victorian annual catch is currently 458 tonnes with a landed value of $14.5 million representing 10.6% of total rock lobster landings in south east Australia (ABARE 1997). Over eighty...
Agriculture Victoria

Southern shark age validation

Project number: 1991-037
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $148,285.81
Principal Investigator: Terence I. Walker
Organisation: Agriculture Victoria
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1992 - 30 Jul 1995


1. Validate current ageing method for gummy & school sharks.

Final report

Author: T.I. Walker R.A. Officer J.G. Clement L.P. Brown
Final Report • 2017-09-29 • 6.45 MB


Gummy sharks and school sharks are aged by counting growth-increment bands on the articular faces of vertebrae stained with alizarin red. The age data are required for application of age-structured fishery assessment models used by the Southern Shark Fishery Assessment Group for stock advice to the Southern Shark Fishery Management Advisory Committee.

The project demonstrated that gummy sharks can be held captive in land-based tanks for long periods, that survival rates in captive sharks can be improved with appropriate feeding regimes and treatment with antibiotics, and that growth rates of captive sharks can be increased over those found in the wild. The study also demonstrated that school sharks are difficult to hold in captivity.

Development of methods to age commercially important dories and oreos

Project number: 1991-036
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $59,856.00
Principal Investigator: David Smith
Organisation: Agriculture Victoria
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1992 - 3 May 1995


1. Develop methods foe ageing dories and oreos using hardparts.

Final report

Author: David Smith
Final Report • 1995-01-03 • 1.64 MB


Four species of dories (Family: Zeidae) and five species of oreos (Family: Oreosomatidae) are caught in the South East Fishery (SEF). John dory and mirror dory are included in the SEF quota sytem with Total Allowable Catches (TACs), in 1993, of 240 t and 800 t, respectively. Oreos, originally a by-catch of the orange roughy fishery, have become an increasing component of the deep-water trawl fishery with estimated landings in excess of 2000 t in 1992. Assessment of these species proved difficult because methods to age them needed to be developed: basic life history parameters such as longevity and growth were unknown. In this report methods to age dories and oreos are described and preliminary growth curves presented.

Three species of dories were considered; John dory (Zeus faber), mirror dory (Zenopsis nebulosus) and king dory (Cyttus traversi). The fourth species, silver dory (C. australis), is a low value by-catch species. Four oreo species were considered; smooth (Pseudocyttus maculatus), black (Allocyttus niger), warty (A. verrucosus), and spiky (Neocyttus rhomboidalis). The fifth species, ox-eye oreo (Oreosoma atlanticum) is rarely caught.

A total of about 3,500 readings were made from 1700 pairs of sagittal otoliths. Otoliths were examined whole, using a variation of the "broken and burnt" method and in section. Otolith growth, for each species, was determined from measuring otolith morphometrics and otolith weight. This was also used in the evaluation of age estimates and identification of errors. Intra- and inter reader variability were examined using Beamish and Fournier's Index of Average Percent Error and regressions of age estimates were used to determine whether there was bias between readers. Von Bertalanffy growth curves were fitted to individual observations using non-linear least squares.

For John and mirror dory, ages were estimated from counting annuli on the surface of whole otoliths. King dory otoliths were examined whole for fish less than 20cm and in section for larger fish. For the oreos, tranverse sectioning and subsequent grinding to a thickness of approximately 0.2mm revealed annuli which provided age estimates for a range of fish sizes.

Partial validation was possible for some species. Age estimates for juvenile John dory and king dory were consistent with the available length-frequency data. However, age estimates for adults of these species and for adult and juvenile mirror dory require validation. Our estimates for warty oreo gave similar results to radiometric analysis of whole otoliths. The maximum age from otolith sections was 130 years for a female fish of 36.5 cm TL compared to maximum ages of 130-170 for fish of length 34-35 cm from radiometric analyses. Because the morphology and incremental structure of oreo otoliths is similar between species, these results suggest our interpretation of the other species is also correct. The first 4 to 5 annuli seen in sectioned oreo otoliths are very broad after which there is distinct transition to much narrower annuli. This appears to be consistent with the change from a pelagic to demersal habitat previously reported for oreos.

Age estimates for each species were highly repeatable. Intra- and inter- reader variablity was low and there was no significant bias between readers. The growth of all species was adequately described by the von Bertalanffy growth curve (Table 1). Results for each species are summarised in Table 1. John dory and mirror dory appear to be relatively short-lived and fast growing while king dory are more slow growing. Our results indicate that oreos are extremely slow growing and long-lived. Similar results, for oreos, have been reported recently from studies in New Zealand.

In summary, the main objectives of the project have been met and our results will be of considerable use to future assessments of these species. For the oreos, they have important implications for management of the fishery.

Southern shark database project

Project number: 1989-121
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Organisation: Agriculture Victoria
Project start/end date: 27 Jun 1991 - 30 Jun 1991


1. Publish structure, contents and summary of the available " Southern Shark Monitoring Database"

Final report

Author: A.S. Gason and T.I. Walker
Final Report • 1991-06-30 • 2.46 MB


Commercial catches of several species of edible shark such as gummy shark Mustelus antarcticus, school shark Galeorhinus galeus and several species of scale fish such as warehou Seriolella brama, spotted trevally Seriolella maculata have been recorded since the origins of the fishery in the mid-1920s but not until the 1960s were data on the fishing effort collected systematically. Since 1970 the Victorian Government's fisheries agency has monitored the sex and the length-frequency composition of the sharks in commercial catches. More recently the agency has also collected details of quantities of sharks handled by fish processors.

Since 1984 such data have been collected by a research unit, the Southern Shark Assessment Group (SSAG), established at the Marine Science Laboratories (MSL) of the Fisheries Division of Victoria.

One of the SSAG's projects, the "Southern Shark Database Project", which was funded from the Fishery Industry Research Trust Account, has been to set up a database designed to enable fisheries agencies to manage the shark stocks off southern Australia.

The database, the Southern Shark Fishery Monitoring Database (SSFMDB) contains four types of data: catch and effort reported by fishers to the fisheries agencies of Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia; weight of shark handled by fish processors and auctioneers; sex and length-frequency composition of commercial catches of shark; and details of licenced vessels.

These data are processed by a suite of Command Program Language jobs, FORTRAN programs and Scientific Information Retrieval Database Management System (SIRDBMS) (version 2.2) running under the PRIMOS operating system on the PRIME 6350 minicomputer.

In this report we provide details of the four types of data and their processing. The SSAG's aim is to routinely provide summaries of data from the SSFMDB to the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Fisheries Service of the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy, the Fisheries Division of the Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment, the Sea Fisheries Division of the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry, the South Australian Department of Fisheries, and the Southern Shark Research Group which reports to the South Eastern Fisheries Research Committee, and the Southern Shark Fishery Management Advisory Committee (SSFMAC).

The SSFMAC comprises representatives from the fisheries agencies of the Commonwealth, Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia and from the shark fishing industry in each of Victoria. Tasmania and South Australia The committee's primary role is to co-ordinate management of the fishery.

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