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Tactical Research Fund: development of the Eyre Peninsula Retail and Food Service Seafood User Guide

Project number: 2009-220
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $75,000.00
Principal Investigator: Stacey Fallon
Organisation: Regional Development Australia - Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula Inc
Project start/end date: 19 Feb 2010 - 29 Aug 2010


The development of the Eyre Peninsula Retail and Food Service Seafood User Guide will exploit the lack of knowledge and appreciation for the range of seafood species to be included. The notion of developing an “Appellation” which can be developed across sectors and species would be an Australian (if not world) first – this concept would include a best practise approach to all aspects of the value chain from water to plate. It would include the design, development and implementation of an information programme which can communicate the benefits and advantages of the products by species whilst being specific to both retail and food service markets. One of the key elements of the campaign will be the development of a toolkit which provides the various stakeholders in the value chain – from producers to consumers – the necessary understanding and skills to fully exploit the market opportunity for the harvest. This would be undertaken by species and by market sector, with a focus on the nuances between them.

Research of existing “seafood user guide” tools in Australia clearly demonstrate no comprehensive, multi species user guide specifically designed for retail and food service exists with the required components detailed below:

- Provenance, history and integrity of the seafood harvest
- About each sector –volume, environmental governance, sustainability, harvesting methods, fishery management, seasonality and fishermen features
- Harvest to Market – harvest, processing, packaging, distribution, retail / food service
- Usability Guide – by product by season including handling, storage, receiving and preparation, cutting and cooking
- Tasting Notes including textures and flavours
- Health and Nutrition
- Fast Fact Sheet
- Images to support consumer usage

The User Guide will be the training guide benchmark and has the potential to expand to an Australian guide, inclusive of all seafood species.


1. To develop a set of accurate and informative educational tools delivering against trade requirements
2. To develop a uniform and coordinated educational program that features 11 seafood species available on the Eyre Peninsula including Southern Bluefin Tuna, Mussels, Pacific Oysters, Spencer Gulf Prawns, Yellowtail Kingfish, Sardines, Suzuki Mulloway, Marinescale, Abalone, Deep Sea Trawlfish and niche seafoods
3. To develop materials that communicate the appellation of Eyre Peninsula seafood
4. To capture highly synchronised technical and creative communications

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-57332-8
Author: Stacey Fallon
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