381 results

Post graduate support for novel governance for a changing ocean

Project number: 2023-031
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $89,532.00
Principal Investigator: Andrew Sullivan
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2023 - 30 Dec 2026


Project funding will provide the PI with additional resources that enable him to focus on achieving the requirements and objectives of his research and PhD completion to a high standard and on-time.

The project funding application covers four key areas:

1. Additional stipend: to provide an adequate living allowance.
2. Travel: attendance of international conferences is a key vehicle to build skills an experience in the international policy and diplomacy fields as well as providing the opportunity to collect valuable research data. These skills and networks will ultimately benefit the Australian fishing and aquaculture community through the sharing of knowledge and networks.
3. Training: Facilitation training has been identified as an opportunity for development
4. Communication and content creation: developing content to assist with promoting and communicating the results of the research.

Having members and advocates of the Australian fishing and aquaculture community informed and skilled in the way international governance agreements are developed and then translated into domestic policy is extremely important, and a current gap in our capability and capacity.


1. Research and describe the genesis of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy as novel multilateral governance intervention.
2. Research and describe the operation, function and objectives of the High level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.
3. Critically analyse Australia's progress in meeting its commitments as a founding member of High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.
4. Successful completion and fulfilment of the requirements of the PhD.

Rural Women's Award bursaries 2023-2025

Project number: 2023-025
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $29,272.73
Principal Investigator: Sally Roberts
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 13 Aug 2023 - 27 Nov 2025


Provide bursaries to enable and support attendance at the Rural Women's Award national announcement from 2023-2025.

Bursaries will include contributing to ticket, alumni event, travel and accommodation costs related to attending the annual announcement in Canberra.


1. Build and develop leadership capability and capacity of women in fishing and aquaculture
2. Enable attendance and participation with the Rural Women's Award annually

Developing capability and improve access to Chairperson capacity in fishing and aquaculture (bursary)

Project number: 2023-022
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $2,799.00
Principal Investigator: Kate J. Brooks
Organisation: KAL Analysis
Project start/end date: 30 Jul 2023 - 30 Oct 2023


This course, 'The Role of the Chair' is presented by the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and as such is a well recognised and regarded training body. The course itself explores the unique leadership responsibilities, including their relationships with other board members and the CEO that the Chair person's position has. It is a one day course held in Sydney, and requires pre-study and follow up review work.

The course offers a rare opportunity to discreetly discuss leadership and governance issues – including board selection, boardroom processes and CEO succession planning – with fellow chairs and experienced directors.

The benefit to the FRDC and to the industry is the improved skills and capabilities of Kate Brooks, most immediately in her role as Chairperson for the FRDC C&C Steering Committee, but also other Chairperson roles she may step up to such as those with OzFish Unlimited, or the SA Government, as the most immediate possibilities.


1. Undertake the Role of the Chair, Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) course
2. Participant obtains a greater understanding of Chair’s leadership role and key governance responsibilities

Women in the Seafood Industry of the Northern Territory: Participation, Contribution and Workforce Retention (PhD)

Project number: 2023-018
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $15,000.00
Principal Investigator: Natasha Stacey
Organisation: Charles Darwin University (CDU)
Project start/end date: 9 Nov 2023 - 29 Aug 2026


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

Sea Change: co-developing pathways to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate for fisheries and aquaculture in Australia

Project number: 2023-011
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $1,628,586.00
Principal Investigator: Gretta T. Pecl
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2023 - 30 Apr 2027


There is a need to increase effective engagement between fishing and aquaculture stakeholders and climate science and scientists in an ongoing strategic way, and not ‘just’ for single-project outcomes.

Improved engagement will help increase understanding of the likely implications of a changing climate in relevant contexts, and lay foundations for a shared exploration of available options for reducing risk exposure. We have worked with stakeholders and the FRDC Extension Officer Network to design a strategy that will engage fishing and aquaculture stakeholders on existing knowledge regarding risks and opportunities associated with a changing climate, to enable resource managers and researchers to better understand the ways in which many sectors are already adapting autonomously and to identify the barriers to further adaptation, and to co-design solutions that are relevant at local- and industry-levels to help build climate-ready communities and to stimulate economic resilience.

In many cases (but not all), extensive information regarding marine climate change - including key risks to fisheries and aquaculture producers (at a high level) - is already available, along with information on how to develop adaptation plans. However, despite this, progress and uptake within most sectors in terms of planned adaptation responses has been very slow – although many individual operators are already making ‘autonomous’ changes to their day-to-day operations in response to climate change drivers. If these changes are being made without access to best available knowledge, then it is very likely that substantial portions of these responses are maladaptive in the longer term, or may be countervailing to planned government adaptations (see Pecl et al 2019, Ambio, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13280-019-01186-x). This is a pattern evident within many different industries around Australia and across the rest of the world. ‘What’ needs to happen has thus been outlined in general terms in many cases, but such information is not co-developed or provided in consultation with end-users in ways that resonate or are useful to them. This project will address this need for relevance and usefulness.

The project aims to develop reflexive, ongoing, and two-way knowledge exchange between industry representatives, operators and manager, and the marine climate change impacts and adaptation research sector, so that solutions are co-designed, usable, and adoptable.


1. Work with seafood industry leaders to establish two-way climate conversations that can strengthen and underpin Australian fishing and aquaculture’s resilience to a changing climate. This approach will facilitate co-design of pathways to increase agility and build capacity for climate change adaptation with a select number of fisheries and aquaculture operations. This process will also create a model that can be applicable to other RDC’s.
2. Create a climate conversations platform to facilitate knowledge exchange (including identifying ‘gaps’ and shared issues), and thus capture, disseminate, and showcase:a. How fishing and aquaculture sectors are already adapting and responding to recent changesb. What has facilitated these changes made, and what the barriers are to further adaptationc. The story of fishing and aquaculture’s efforts towards achieving climate resilience - using a dynamic ‘story map’ approach, and other multi-media, communicate progress to target audiences.
3. Identify a) key factors influencing the agility of fisheries and aquaculture to adapt to climate change, and b) which factors (e.g. opportunities) are most important for adaptation capacity-building for different types of operations - building on work underway across multiple domestic and international projects and working groups.
4. Co-develop pathways, with a select number of fisheries and aquaculture operations, to increase their agility and build sector capacity for climate change adaptation and resilience.
5. Support the development of communities of practice for groups of fisheries and/or aquaculture operations that have similar opportunities and pathways – to support increased agility and capacity building for climate change adaptation (determined in objective 3).
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