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Developing a guidance document for Whichfish Risk Assessment

Project number: 2019-209
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $8,400.00
Principal Investigator: Sevaly Sen
Organisation: Oceanomics Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Mar 2020 - 30 May 2020


Whichfish.com.au is the FRDC B2B portal which provides the results of the risk assessments of key Australian commercial species as well as those species which have are certified under a GSSI recognised scheme. It is important that external assessors apply and interpret information in a consistent way.
This requires a supporting document, a Guidance Document, to guide assessors on how to interpret the risk assessment criteria, the evidence to be used and on scoring. This Guidance will be used for both Australian species assessments (Whichfish.com.au) and New Zealand(openseas.org.nz).
This project seeks to develop that guidance document.

Following this project, any species undergoing risk assessments will have outcomes reported on the respective ANZ websites to ensure full transparency.


1. Prepare a guidance document to enable consistent application of Whichfish risk assessment framework.

Shark Futures: Sustainable management of the NSW whaler shark fishery

New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) presents new information exploring the shark catch of the NSW Ocean Trap & Line Fishery and developing methods to ensure an accurately reported, sustainable and profitable fishery for large sharks is maintained. A combination of...
NSW Department of Primary Industries

SESSF Monitoring and Assessment – Strategic Review

The Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) is a multi-species, multi-gear, multijurisdictional Commonwealth fishery. It is a fishery of substantial economic and social importance to Australia, as a key provider of high quality fish products to Australian markets. More than 600...
Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)

Incorporating the effects of marine spatial closures in risk assessments and fisheries stock assessments

Within the framework of the Commonwealth Harvest Strategy Policy, the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has adopted clear decision rules to set catch limits for commercially targeted species in Commonwealth fisheries. In several fisheries, AFMA has adopted a tiered harvest strategy...
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart

A preliminary assessment of the rock lobster fishery in New South Wales

Project number: 1986-064
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Steven Montgomery
Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project start/end date: 27 Jun 1989 - 29 Jun 1989


1. Gather baseline catch information, incl population structure & present level of exploitation, on the major commercial spp.
2. Assess most suitable method for identifying stocks & investigating growth & mortality. Investigate reproductive biology of Jasus verrauxi.

Final report

Author: Steven S. Montgomery
Final Report • 1989-06-30 • 11.42 MB


The objectives of this study were to determine whether catch rates of rock lobsters in the commercial fishery off New South Wales were declining, the size and species composition of catches from the commercial fishery and to ascertain the smallest length at which 50% of female eastern rock lobsters, Jasus verreauxi carried eggs. In addition, experiments were done to assess the mortality in this species caused by tagging with different types of external tags.

Rock lobsters have been exploited off New South Wales since 1873. Reported annual landings averaged 122 tonnes per annum over the 10 year period to 1983-84 (latest year for which data are available from the NSW Agriculture & Fisheries Annual Reports). Based upon current prices at the point of first sale (Annual Reports of the Sydney Fish Marketing Authority), these average annual landings are worth $3 million per annum . In addition to this however, unreported landings are around 70% of those reported.Four species comprise the commercial catch namely; the eastern rock lobster Jasus verreauxi, the southern rock lobster Jasus novaehollandiae and the painted rock lobsters Panulirus longipes longipes and Panulirus ornatus. The eastern rock lobster comprises around 97% of annual landings in New South Wales.

SCRC: Compositional profiles of Australian seafood- Strategic analysis and method development.

Project number: 2009-739
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Nigel West
Organisation: ChemCentre (WA)
Project start/end date: 31 May 2009 - 31 May 2011


The consultaive process with the CRC end-users identified a need for accurate, consistent and scientifically sound baseline compositional data of commercially traded seafood species. This information can be used to substantiate product label claims, including nutrition panel information and health claims; to promote the benefits of seafood and seafood consumption as part of a balanced diet, to inform dietary modelling activities and nutrition calculations, to gain and maintaining market access, to respond to bad publicity and to benchmark production processes.

In order to meet this identified need for reliable compositional data, industry participants have also identified an increasing need to have access to an expanded capacity of certified analysis. Phase 1 of the compositional profiles program will result in a strategic assessment of analytical capacity within the Seafood CRC and identify and prioritise methodology not currently available but required to meet current and emerging Australian seafood industry requirements for nutritional and compositional analyses. These certified methods can then be developed as part of this project, resulting in and meeting the need for an expanded capacity for the industry.

The Chemistry Centre as the oldest NATA accredited laboratory in Australia and the holder of widest NATA certified capacity of tests for food analysis in Australia is well placed to add seafood specific analytes to its capacity. Investment in establishment and expansion of seafood analytical capacity using the centre's existing infrastructure and diverse highly technical instrument base will expand Australian capacity in this key area for at least the next twenty years, leading to a long term efficient and competent resource for industry and academic research and development.

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