Fish movement and migration - an ASFB workshop
Most fish and other exploited aquatic species exhibit movement and / or migrations during some part of their life cycle. In recent years the importance of these migrations to fish and fisheries management has been increasingly realised. Changed fish behaviour due to varying environmental conditions has significant impacts on species availability/catchability and hence the interpretation of abundance indices. In freshwater, improved fish passage is seen as one of the major areas for river rehabilitation to be conducted over the next decade. Spatial models which take into account, explicitly or implicitly, fish movements are now widely used. Recent technological developments allow for greatly improved analysis of the patterns of fish movement and migration. This Australian Society for Fish Biology workshop will be the first time that migration and movement has been considered in a national forum.
The workshop will bring together scientists, managers and other stakeholders with general or specific interests in movement and migration. The workshop will cover theoretical aspects; techniques for measuring movement and migration, particularly new approaches and technologies (such as radio-telemetry, smart tags and otolith micro-chemistry); environmental determinants, barrier and human interference; analysis and input into spatial models; and management implications.
Final report