Project number: 2001-099
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $119,358.00
Principal Investigator: Jeremy D. Prince
Organisation: Pearl Producers Association (PPA)
Project start/end date: 25 Jun 2001 - 30 Jun 2005


Based on the Government ESD and Oceans Policies the pearling industry is currently facing several significant concerns. These include the need to:

- demonstrate objectively that pearling activities have minimal, if any, adverse ecological impact on the marine environment.
- identify challenges and threats to the fishery's continued variability from an ESD perspective
- demonstrate objectively that the fishery is environmentally sustainable
- obtain broad ecological information to assist the industry in identifying what environmental characteristics are key elements of successful pearl farming; and
- identify what areas of research are required to substantiate the pearling industry's claim of ongoing ESD.


1. Identify key environmental issue and risks facing the pearling industry.
2. Identify gaps that would need to be addressed in current pearling udnsutry procedure in order to develop a PPA Environmental Code of Practice in line with the requirements of an Environmental Management System (EMS) such as ISO 14001.
3. Source and obtain ecological information to assist the industry in identigying what environmental characterstics are key elements of successful pearl farming.
4. Recommend what environmental parameters should be used in monitoring programs to ensure that any potential environmental impactof pearl farming on the marine environment is detected.
5. Recommend research prorities on pearl oyster fishing/farming environmental issues.
6. Provide information that is transferable to similar types of aquaculture, eg black lipped pearl oyster and abalone hatchery.
7. Position the pearling industry to satisfy the Environment Australia/SCFA ESD assessment processes.
8. To develop an Environmental Research Strategy for the PPA, and a subsequent research programme proposal to FRDC in December 2003 for funding to implement the strategy.

Final report

ISBN: 0-9581421-0-6
Author: Jeremy Prince

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