Project number: 2001-103
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $1,159,274.91
Principal Investigator: Milena Fernandes
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2002 - 1 Jul 2007


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1. To determine the type and quantity of waste produced by sea-cage operations across a range of management and environmental regimes.
2. To develop and validate a model or modify an existing model (eg DEPOMOD) of the waste dynamics of sea-cage operations incorporating information on stocking density, feed type and a number of environmental and management parameters to quantify the extent and intensity of localised impacts.
3. Obtain information on the composition of the fouling community on and adjacent to tuna cages with reference to potential polyculture species with an assessment of their potential biological and economic viability.
4. To develop a sampling program for benthic assemblages exposed to waste from tuna farming operations with reference to the efficacy of fallowing as a waste remediation process. This will form the basis for consideration of alternative waste mitigation strategies and for recommending improvements to environmental monitoring regimes.
5. To test the potential of integrated farming in mitigation studies. This involves the use of benthic filter feeders (eg blue mussels) benthic surface feeders (holothurids and crabs) and bioturbators (eg stingrays, fish or native oyters).
6. To evaluate potential applications of technogical approaches (eg diapor systems) to waste mitigation.

Final report

ISBN: 730853640
Author: Milena Fernandes

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