Project number: 2002-304
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $84,525.00
Principal Investigator: Jo-Ann Ledger
Organisation: Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)
Project start/end date: 19 Oct 2002 - 30 Mar 2005


The Australian Seafood Industry Council has identified a need to hold a biennial national seafood industry conference where the industry can gather in an appropriate form to discuss and learn about issues of critical nature affecting the industry and to use this form as a means of providing the basis for future planning and direction.

1.There is critical need for the seafood industry of Australia to promote itself and its image.
2.There is a critical need for the industry at national level to adequately address issues of Access Security.
3.There is a critical need for the industry at national level to adequately address issues of Quality.
4.There is a critical need for the industry at national level to adequately address issues relating to the Environment.
5.There is also a critical need for industry to address the public’s perception of seafood and associated issues such as quality, health benefits and product transfer.
6.There is a clear need for the Australian seafood industry to develop a ‘conference culture’ at a national level, which is critical to ensuring effective information transfer.
7.Other issues such as training and education, marketing and industry development also have international aspects, which could be addressed through attracting international industry delegates to Australia through a conference.


1. Plan and deliver the 3rd Seafood Directions Conference
2. To update the "How to Guide for running and managing Seafood Directions".

Final report

Author: Jo-Ann Ledger
Final Report • 1.47 MB


Perth, Western Australia was the Host State for the third Seafood Directions Conference. The conference is held bi annually and is the premier conference for members and associated parties of the seafood industry. The conference was previously held in Brisbane (2001) and Adelaide (1999), Sydney will host the conference in 2005.

The Rock Lobster Congress 3 hosted by the Western Rock Lobster Council was held on Tuesday 16 September prior to Seafood Directions for the first time.  By holding the congress prior to the conference encouraged attendance by fisherman at Seafood Directions 2003, and this was a delegate base the conference was keen to have attend.

The Women’s Industry Network Seafood Community Conference was a one-day conference held on Wednesday 17 September.  The organising committee believed it was of importance to incorporate this conference into Seafood Directions and also offered a discounted rate to WINSC delegates to attend Seafood Directions on the Thursday.

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