Project number: 2008-317
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $9,900.00
Principal Investigator: Les Gabor
Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project start/end date: 31 Jul 2008 - 7 Sep 2008


The regional veterinary laboratory at EMAI (RVL Menangle) has in the last 2 months employed four full time trainee veterinary pathologists from Consolidated Revenue - thus, a long term committment to state based diagnostics has been made. Additionally, I have been employed in a full time capacity as diagnostic pathologist and laboratory leader. Our status with regards to terrestrial animal diagnostics is excellent, and we have some significant depth. My concern is that as our aquatic diagnostic load begins to increase, our trainees will lack the depth of knowlege required to advise industry.

Dr Judith Handlinger is willing to spend one week with the four trainees, specifically teaching finfish, crustacean and bivalve pathology and diagnostics. In return, I will spend one week in the DPI Tasmania lab giving a course to their four new pathologists on general pathological principles.

This modest project would expose a new generation of diagnosticians to a soon to be retired world expert, and foster increased collegial relationships between two laboratories that have a significant role to play in the Australia Aquatic industries.


1. Increased knowledge of basic aquatic physiology and immunology
2. Increased knowledge of common aquatic pathological responses
3. In depth gross examination of the diseased specimen
4. Histological diagnosis of common disease affecting Australian aquaculture species
5. General diagnostics and warning signs regarding exotic aquaculture diseases
6. Professional networking amongst two significant aquaculture diagnostic centers.

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