Project number: 2009-223
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Roger Edwards
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2010 - 29 Aug 2010


Southern Rocklobster Limited organises the industry nationally to maintain a Strategic Plan, undertake R&D planning and management and deliver generic industry extension for the Southern Rocklobster industry.

Capacity to effectively undertake these functions is contingent upon certainty and transparency about funding arrangements and R&D investment decision processes.

An Industry Partnership agreement between the FRDC and SRL is needed to guide research, development and extension (R, D & E) investments and management across the Southern Rocklobster industry.

Such an agreement is also essential to maintain current levels of industry confidence investment in FRDC and the Seafood Cooperative Research Centre.

The nature of cooperation across the industry and States is also evolving and a logical next step is inclusion of whole-of-species Fisheries Management R, D & E within a strategic planning framework.

The proposed expanded scope of RD&E activities requires considerable development of an appropriate IP agreement that provides confidence to all stakeholders. In particular involvement of State Fisheries management agencies in the agreement will be a critical success factor. Communication is also required with industry to ensure high levels of support for the new arrangement.


1. Implement an industry partnership agreement between Southern Rocklobster Limited, key stakeholders and the FRDC by July 1st 2010.

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