Project number: 2009-311
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $115,277.00
Principal Investigator: Jill Briggs
Organisation: Affectus Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 2 Mar 2009 - 30 Nov 2011


The need for this project has been suggested in the above sections but there is further evidence of need provided by the goals of the FRDC’s People Development Program. The program states the need to develop the capabilities of the people through building capacity through an Industry Mentoring Development and Management Project.

This project will directly contribute to the delivery of the People Development Program 2008 – 2013 prepared for FRDC by Jo-Anne Ruscoe. The Industry Leaders Enhancement Project will ensure outputs that address some of the goals and objectives of the People Development Program:

1. enhance industry leadership within all sectors;
2. build industry capacity to drive change to achieve goals

The Industry Leaders Enhancement Project has parallel drivers and will specifically address

1. The shortage of industry leaders in all sectors of the fishing industry.
2. The need to develop people within all sectors who have the skills to effectively contribute to debate and policy development for significant challenges, including access to fish resources.
3. The opportunities for people in industry to develop skills that are going to directly improve business profitability and sustainability.
4. The contribution in the uptake of formal training, and in particular apprenticeships.
5. The enhanced knowledge of decision makers in a complex industry through accurate information and knowledge.

The project will also respond to the identified impediments to individuals taking on representational and leadership roles at local and sector levels and will specifically skill individuals through learning, mentoring and industry leadership community building to overcome obstacles to success.


1. To build a database of mentors – within and beyond the seafood industry for mentorees within the seafood industry
2. To build the above database after initial information has been provided to interested individuals – information to include mentoring philosophy, mentoring processes and three year timeline commitment document.
3. To provide 2009 NSILP participants and 2008 graduates with the initial opportunity to engage in the mentoring process. Each mentoree to be involved for 12 months with a commitment to full evaluation 2009 – 2010
4. To grow the mentoring process by opening up opportunities to all graduates from the program to be mentors and/or mentorees.
5. To provide guidance to enhance the mentoring relationships to ensure the encouragement of leadership roles and responsibilities are increased at all levels of the seafood industry by 2011

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9872781-0-4
Author: Jill Briggs

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