Project number: 2011-237
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $14,220.00
Principal Investigator: Ewan A. Colquhoun
Organisation: Ridge Partners
Project start/end date: 22 Aug 2011 - 22 Oct 2011


In its 2010 election commitment the Australian Government indicated that the key aims for a national food plan were to integrate food policy by looking at the whole food supply chain, to protect Australia’s food security, and to develop a strategy to maximise food production opportunities. It also outlined a wide range of issues it would consider when developing a national food plan.

The plan is expected to have a broad scope, including issues such as food security, productivity and efficiency, sustainability, health and nutrition and general economic policy relating to the food sector. One role for the plan will be to recognise the wide range of work already being done by stakeholders.

The government envisages that a national food plan will outline the Australian Government’s vision for the food industry and consumers, to guide Australian Government actions and provide certainty for other stakeholders. A national food plan, when finalised, would seek to better explain and better integrate Australia’s approach to food policy, from production through to consumption, and be consistent with the government’s market-based policy approach and commitment to fiscal discipline.

Through consultation on this paper the government is seeking feedback from all stakeholders on what a national food plan should cover and aim to achieve.


1. A robust and factual document regarding seafood for consideration in Australias Food Plan

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