Project number: 2011-407
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $3,166.26
Principal Investigator: Neil Hughes
Organisation: Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)
Project start/end date: 13 Oct 2011 - 29 Jan 2012


The Gillnet, Hook and Trap Fishery is facing a number of issues to do with marine marine interactions, particularly with Australian Sea Lion and dolphins. There are a range of possible management responses, but some uncertainty about the effectiveness of these approaches. An understanding of emerging solution and international best practice will position AFMA to best negotiate chnages in the fishery to deliver outcomes consistent with the Fisheries Management Act 1999. While attendance at the Workshop will support management of the fishery, attendance is not a core business element of the current position. Attendance at the Workshop will allow a quick and practical understaning of management and other responses for the fishery, well in advance of the emergence of scientific or management literature on the issue.


1. To better understand marine mamal interactions in gillnet fisheries.
2. To understand the range of practical management or other measures to reduce interactions.
3. To forge links with researchers and managers who can provide ongoing technical assistance for managing the fishery.

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