Brownlip abalone (Haliotis conicopora) is the largest and possibly fastest growing abalone species in Australia. It is a characteristically unique abalone species, reaching considerably larger maximum sizes (>230 mm), than greenlip (200 mm) and displaying very cryptic behaviour within an extremely limited habitat of caves and crevices. Due to its large size and high meat yield (approx. 35% greater meat weight per length than greenlip abalone) it is extremely suitable for the lucrative wild and brand new cultured or ocean grown, whole meat export markets.
Brownlip abalone currently comprises a small, but very valuable component of the commercial wild abalone fishery in WA (annual value: $1.6 million) and since 1998, annual catches have risen by 25% to over 40 tonnes. However it is yet to be expanded in any quantities in the ocean grown or aquaculture industries. This increase in demand has caused a necessity to further explore the brownlip abalone wild, ocean grown and cultured harvest potentials.
The limitation associated with this exploration is the restriction of information on habitat, growth and mortality of wild populations and the understanding of aquaculture systems and growth rates. The extent of habitat limitation is a key unknown for this species and identification of suitable habitat allows for the potential of stock enhancement to be assessed as a fisheries management tool. Habitat enhancement and ocean grow-out through artificially created reefs could also be considered as a unique production method. Overall the brownlip abalone has marked room for expansion in a variety of production techniques to further enlarge this untapped resources’ harvest potential.