Project number: 2012-511
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $73,962.16
Principal Investigator: Ross J. Hodge
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2013 - 2 May 2014


Southern Rock Lobster is one of Australia’s signatory fisheries, it is managed responsibly, and proactively with a considerable annual investment in R&D, it is a fishery that has much to promote and celebrate. Jurisdictional boundaries divide the Australian Southern Rock Lobster fishery into three states, add in the commonwealth interests, and combined, makes for a considerable number of stakeholders to communicate with and keep on the ‘same page’. This communication and extension project is about keeping everyone informed on matters of local, state, and national interest.

The overarching objective of this proposal is to improve stakeholder and community knowledge by disseminating consistent information to increase the awareness of R&D opportunities that align with the SRL Industry Strategic Plan and other developments within or that impact on the industry. This will be achieved through disseminating regular key messages in Newsletters, a more informative SRL website, electronic communications, media releases and quality printed material such as industry fact sheets.

The development of and/or the updating of existing educational material will assist in spreading the ‘good news’ story, that is, the well managed and sustainable Southern Rock Lobster Fishery and will contribute to improving public perceptions of the fishery and the Australian Seafood industry in general.


1. Provide mediums of communication with all stakeholders in the Australian Southern Rock Lobster Fishery through re-introducing the SRL News, updating the SRL Website to include new RD&E, Catching Sector information and Educational sections.
2. Encourage and focus R& D applications and activities to align with the Industry RD&E Industry Strategic Plan 2011-2016 through increased communications.
3. Extension of R&D outcomes to support and promote adoption of new technology and science and other outcomes through increased communications.
4. Provide factual, regular and consistent information to the community (in fact sheet format) and prepare press releases to media contacts to develop a more positive public perception as a 'Clean Green' sustainable and well managed fishery

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