Project number: 2013-414
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $4,850.00
Principal Investigator: Mark Oliver
Organisation: Australian Aquaculture Support Services Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 19 Nov 2013 - 15 Feb 2014


There are currently Vocational Training and Education institutions throughout Australia undertaking skills and knowledge based training in aquatic animal health management. In terms of national recognition, this area of aquatic animal health education has largely been ignored in the past. There are vocational institutions around Australia that undertake quality skills development in the area of aquatic animal health and from this develop meaningful learning materials for the learner.

This type of information is vitally important to a project of this nature as there has been quite sophisticated levels of advancement in some vocation training aquatic animal health areas that need to be analysed.


1. Develop a comprehensive catalogue of vocational institutes providing courses in aquatic animal health
2. Outline past and present vocational training courses that address aquatic animal health
3. Define training package aquatic animal health content, elements, performance criteria, critical knowledge areas, critical skills areas, range statements, critical aspects of evidence and assessment for all vocational levels
4. Outline specific topics/species covered in the learning materials of vocational training institutions
5. Define articulation procedures for vocational training areas of aquatic animal health into tertiary systems.


Author: Mark Oliver
Report • 2014-05-30 • 983.14 KB


This report presents a strategic review of the vocational training environment within the context of Aquatic Animal Health (AAH) training, assessment and curriculum. Key findings were:
- The vocational training and education sector have an existing curriculum known as the Seafood Industry Training Package (SFITP).
- Aquatic animal health is trained in all of the 5 level of qualifications offered in the SFITP Training methodologies are designed from the SFITP.
- Practical application in training is a vital part of the vocational training framework.
- Although most areas of AAH are well serviced, the areas of biosecurity and aquatic animal welfare need to be enhanced within the SFITP and subsequent training delivery.
- Learning materials for the vocational sector need to be upgraded to meet current industry trends.
- Vocational institutions are ready to work with other areas the tertiary sector to enhance AAH training and education.

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