Project number: 2016-136
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $91,309.89
Principal Investigator: Peter Horvat
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 8 Mar 2017 - 30 Jan 2018


The fish and chip awards will be the basis for an integrated communication campaign that will use both traditional and social media. The objective is to generate significant interest for fish and chip lovers around the country to support their local shop.

The jurisdictions have all supported the FRDC decision and have agreed to assist in coordination of the delivery and promotion of the awards. Stage one will see FRDC work with each jurisdiction to run and promote their awards, up to and including judging. FRDC will support the jurisdiction awards with national media articles – such as what is fish and chips, what fish is best?, how to prepare and cook fish and chips?, chef tips and tricks, etc. The FRDC will also work with the ABC to promote local stories and gain further coverage. Once all jurisdictions have been completed their winners will then be put forward for the national fish and chip awards to be announced in Sydney at Seafood Directions.


1. Coordinate the state and national Fish and Chip awards
2. Improve consumers awareness of the sustainability of the Australian seafood industry
3. Raise awareness of Fishfiles as a source of seafood information

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