Consumer research and sales data analysis needs to be acquired and reviewed alongside Love Australian Prawns campaign strategies. The information is required as part of monitoring and evaluation, which is an RD&E activity, as set out in the initial campaign. This information then needs to be reviewed against past LAP outputs and proposed future activities in advance of commissioning work for Year 5. This review could also advise likely fit with a proposed national seafood marketing campaign and the lifespan of the Love Australian Prawns campaign.
LAP contributors are looking to verify their return on investment in LAP. New contributors, such as NSW, Qld and Vic also require this information as they decide to invest.
This proposal also flags activities that the LAP Committee propose meet R,D & E criteria rather than Marketing. These were proposed in September 2016 and LAP interest confirmed following the review of LAP.
Final report
Having commissioned Brand Council to review Love Australian Prawns (LAP) strategy and outputs and the University of Sunshine Coast to compare LAP consumer perception and awareness to previous years, the Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries Ltd (ACPF) and the Australian Prawn Farmers’ Association (APFA) have ascertained that LAP is achieving its original objectives. 1 in 5 Australians now recognize the LAP logo: this sort of awareness usually only achieved via TV campaigns. The industry has experienced an average 20% increase in Medium, Med-Large and Large grades between the start of the LAP campaign until the end of 2016 with statements of recognition from the industry that “You would expect some of this demand can be attributed to the Love Australian Prawns campaign."
The original objectives for LAP have been achieved through four years of LAP. This was particularly demonstrated through consumer research.
Objectives achieved.
- Increasing desire for/ desirability of Australian prawns. Example USC evidence: 38% of consumers report they are eating more prawns than 3 years ago with those consumers being more likely to recognise the LAP logo when they see it
- Australian prawns special place Aust eating habits. Example USC evidence: 20% of Australians are still buying prawns for the traditional special occasions such as Christmas and Easter but 25% are now buying prawns for a special occasion or a treat through the year. Over 50% are eating prawns with the family in a meal at home.
- Increase value of Australian prawn. Example industry sales data evidence: 20% price increases on average across Med to Large grades between the start of the LAP campaign until now. Some fisheries reported that 20% price increase for larger grades in the 2016/17 year alone, despite having more supply than in past years
Implications for relevant stakeholders
The implications of this work are directed at industry as investors in LAP. Industry contributors and LAP need to be aware of;
- Despite only having approximately 50% of the total potential industry funded marketing budget at its disposal, LAP has achieved its objectives.
- In order to maintain the differentiation of Australian prawns in the marketplace, LAP must continue to run as along as possible
- In a competitive market the LAP campaign’s front-line content must continue to focus on positioning Australian prawns as special rather than on education
- The continued dominance of supermarkets for prawn sales confirms that LAP needs to cost effectively increase LAP brand presence in major supermarkets
- Without a compulsory marketing levy, communication of campaign achievements along with future consumer research results will be needed to increase industry contribution.
The following recommendations stem from the implications of the evaluation and monitoring of LAP.
- Subject to the ongoing support and agreement of contributors, the LAP campaign continue, in order to retain consumer awareness of and desirability for Australian prawns differentiated from imported prawns
- Future LAP campaigns retain the same focus as agreed at the conception of the campaign ie to make prawns ‘special’ (celebrated, occasion, real, nurturing families and friends – positioning away from convenience and ordinary every day)
- To protect the brand, all LAP produced items should reflect the ‘special’ positioning and the promotional focus of LAP, being careful to properly prioritise retailer needs
- The LAP campaign’s front line content to focus on position rather than education.
- LAP MC to review materials required for 2018-19 onwards that is required to add to LAP appeal eg need for further consumption scenario photography such as friends eating prawns at Christmas in July, Mothers Day, etc to add to LAP’s footage
- The MC instigate 2017-18 initiatives to cost effectively support seafood retailers and supermarkets with collateral to feature the LAP brand, including through appropriate partnerships
- The LAP MC continue initiatives to spread peak special occasion consumption periods through the year as has proven effective
- The LAP MC continue to measure campaign effects through RD&E funded-commissioned consumer research, including with the University of Sunshine Coast on a regular basis so that previous existing datasets can be accessed.
- If possible, obtain sales data using RD&E funds via arrangement with FRDC and Nielsens to at least identify changes in volumes between Australian and imported prawns over time
- The LAP MC continue to communicate campaign achievements