Project number: 2017-210
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $393,218.00
Principal Investigator: Emily Ogier
Organisation: University of Tasmania
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2018 - 29 Sep 2019


Initial discussions between SIA and FRDC have established that the need that this project addresses is to gather the information required to support the Australian fisheries and aquaculture industry to "tell its story" of its contributions to the national, state and regional economies and communities. This story is part of the broader suite of initiates the FRDC is supporting to enable the commercial sector to demonstrate its contributions to the economic and social dimensions of sustainability. Furthermore, this information can be used by the Australian fisheries and aquaculture industry and government agencies for: improving current understanding of industry contributions and future analysis of impact; reporting and accountability of flow-on effects; engagement with surrounding regional communities; and advocacy activity.

In order to generate the information that sits behind this story, the immediate technical need is for:
- a review of existing studies and available data;
- development of a national framework for measuring and evaluating economic and social contributions; and
- estimates of economic contribution using the above framework (phase 1, and therefore undertaken as part of this project); and
- design of studies to measure a wider array of social and non-traditional economic contributions, to be undertaken on a case study basis (phase 2, and therefore planned for but not undertaken as part of this phase 1 project)

A future need to be addressed in Phase 2 (not in this project) is for a systematic approach to prioritising the measurement of contributions to fit within the available resources. Priorities include the need for a national story for fisheries and aquaculture industries as a whole, while at the same time, given the variation in fisheries and aquaculture industry activity across Australia, the need to highlight those significant contributions of various types to regional community well-being. A further priority includes the need to recognise the potential re-purposing of the data for a variety of purposes (including to support subsequent impact studies).


1. Estimate the contribution to the Australian (i.e. national) economy of total commercial fisheries and aquaculture activity using standard measures of economic contribution
2. Estimate the contribution to each State/Territory's economy of commercial fisheries and aquaculture activity using standard measures of economic contribution
3. Develop a robust and nationally-consistent framework to support data collection and estimation of contributions (and, potentially, impact) in the future


ISBN: 978-1-925646-92-4
Author: BDO EconSearch
Report • 2019-09-30 • 1.50 MB
2017-210-DLD Report.pdf


This report presents estimates of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries to the Australian community for 2017/18.  It forms part of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) which was funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) on behalf of the Australian Government to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. This study is an exciting step forward that lays the groundwork for the Australian seafood industry to celebrate its economic and other contributions and to showcase these to its communities and to Australians in general. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania, with BDO EconSearch commissioned to provide the estimates presented in this report. 

 This is the first time the economic contribution of the Australian seafood industry has been reported. This report demonstrates a nationally consistent approach to estimating the industry’s economic contributions and supports the ability for individual industries and jurisdictions to monitor trends in the size of contributions over time.

 The estimates reported include economic contributions of: commercial fishing activity; aquaculture activity; associated processing activity. These estimates are for economic contributions of these activities in the State or Territory in which they occur, as well as to the national economy.  The contribution of Commonwealth fisheries to the State or Territory in which catch is landed are also included. Commercial activities by Indigenous fishing and aquaculture businesses are included in commercial fishing and aquaculture activity. Commercial charter fishing activity is excluded. Fishery and aquaculture sector management activity (other than where these costs are recovered through licence fees) is excluded. Seafood processing of locally produced seafood is included and is attributed to the state/territory economy in which they occur. Inter-state trade flows (e.g. contribution of South Australian-produced aquaculture to the Victorian economy) are captured and reported.

 Limitations of the estimates are due to data gaps and issues with data quality for some sub-sectors and for seafood processing. These were identified in the process of building a national data framework which supports the estimation of contributions and which is intended to help guide future data collection. Addressing this by collecting data on these sectors presents an opportunity to produce more comprehensive estimates in future. 

 These estimates of contribution can be used to compare the level of contributions of the fisheries, aquaculture and processing industries in different states or territories. Comparisons of these estimates can also be made with other productive industries (for example, beef or sheep). These will be less reliable due to differences in the number of sectors included (this study included only the catch/production and processing sectors), data availability and quality, and modelling across various studies. 

 Use of these estimates to predict impact of changes in the level of activity of fisheries and aquaculture industries is not advised. While results can be used to highlight the possible size and nature of impacts, further analysis would be required to estimate the actual impact on the economic measures of such changes. 

 Comparisons of the economic contributions of commercial fisheries and recreational fisheries (made as fishing-related expenditures generate direct and indirect economic impacts) need to be made very cautiously. The two activities are fundamentally different and require different input-output modelling approaches, and comparison can only be made where estimates are comprehensive. For commercial fisheries this requires that estimates include backward and forward linked sectors (for example, boat building sectors, as well as seafood retail sectors). For recreational fisheries this requires that only expenditures that are directly attributable to fishing are included in the estimate. 

 Use of estimates of economic contributions to predict the impact on a state or territory economy of changes in resource allocation between commercial and recreational fisheries can complement economic benefit or efficiency analysis. However, it will require further knowledge to determine how inputs would be redeployed in the economy by other sectors were commercial fishing no longer occurring, and how recreational fishers would spend their discretionary income on substitutable activities were they not able to recreationally fish. 

 We would like to acknowledge the input of the project’s Technical Advisory Group whose members were as follows: Sean Pascoe (CSIRO); Robert Curtotti (ABARES); and Alistair McIlgorm (University of Wollongong). 

Project products

Report • 2019-10-01 • 1.06 MB
2017-210-DLD Summary.pdf


This report  presents a summary of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries to the Australian community. It also provides a snapshot of the unique contributions fisheries and aquaculture industries make to social and economic wellbeing of regional communities in different parts of Australia, based on previous regional studies.

 This work is an exciting step forward that lays the groundwork for the seafood industry to celebrate its economic and other contributions and to showcase these to its communities and to Australians in general. It also provides the starting point for monitoring contributions to Australia’s economic prosperity over time.

 The FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government funded the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania.

 As part of this project, BDO EconSearch was commissioned to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries to the Australian community that is aimed at helping industry tell the story of its contribution.

 This is the first time the national economic contribution of the Australian seafood industry has been reported. Estimates are based on the best available data and most appropriate methods given data availability. Full results are provided in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimates Report and demonstrate the nationally consistent approach.

Report • 1.60 MB
Economic Contributions_QLD Summary_NOV2019.pdf


This report presents a summary of the economic  contribution of Queensland’s fisheries and aquaculture  industries to the Queensland community.

This work is an exciting step forward that lays the groundwork for the Queensland seafood industry to celebrate its economic contributions and to showcase these to its communities and to Queenslanders in general. It also provides the starting point for  monitoring contributions to Queensland’s economic prosperity over time.

The FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government  funded the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. As part of this project, BDO EconSearch was commissioned to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries in each state and territory to the Australian community, and to the relevant state or territory community, that is aimed at helping industry tell the story of its contribution.

This summary presents the results of this study for Queensland.

This is the first time the economic contribution of the Queensland seafood industry has been reported at the state and national level. Estimates are based  on the best available data and most appropriate  methods given data availability. Full results are provided in the Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimates Report  and demonstrate the nationally consistent approach.

Report • 759.16 KB
Economic Contributions_NT Summary_DEC2019Corrected.pdf


This report presents a summary of the economic contribution of the Northern Territory’s fisheries and aquaculture industries to the Northern Territory community.

This work is an exciting step forward that lays the groundwork for the Northern Territory seafood industry to celebrate its economic contributions and to showcase these to its communities and to residents of the Northern Territory in general. It also provides the starting point for monitoring contributions to the Northern Territory’s economic prosperity over time.

The FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government funded the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. As part of this project, BDO EconSearch was commissioned to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries in each state and territory to the Australian community, and to the relevant state or territory community, that is aimed at helping industry tell the story of its contribution.

This summary presents the results of this study for the Northern Territory.

This is the first time the economic contribution of the Northern Territory seafood industry has been reported  at the state and national level. Estimates are based on the best available data and most appropriate  methods given data availability. Full results are provided in the Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimates Report and demonstrate the nationally consistent approach.

Report • 944.96 KB
Economic Contributions_NSW Summary_DEC2019.pdf


This report presents a summary of the economic con-tribution of New South Wales’ fisheries and aquaculture industries to the New South Wales community.

The FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government  funded the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. As part of this project, BDO EconSearch was commissioned to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries in each state and territory to the Australian community, and to the relevant state or territory community, that is aimed at helping industry tell the story of its contribution.

This summary presents the results of this study for New South Wales.

Estimates are based on the best available data and  most appropriate methods given data availability. Full results are provided in the Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimates Report and demonstrate the nationally consistent approach.

Report • 1.04 MB
Economic Contributions_TAS Summary_NOV2019.pdf


This report presents a summary of the economic  contribution of Tasmania’s fisheries and aquaculture  industries to the Tasmanian community.

This work is an exciting step forward that lays the groundwork for the Tasmanian seafood industry to celebrate its economic contributions and to showcase these to its communities and to Tasmanians in general. It also provides the starting point for  monitoring contributions to Tasmania’s economic prosperity over time.

The FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government  funded the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. As part of this project, BDO EconSearch was commissioned to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries in each state and territory to the Australian community, and to the relevant state or territory community, that is aimed at helping industry tell the story of its contribution.

This summary presents the results of this study for Tasmania.

This is the first time the economic contribution of the Tasmanian seafood industry has been reported at the state and national level. Estimates are based on the best available data and most appropriate  methods given data availability. Full results are provided in the Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimates Report and demonstrate the nationally consistent approach.

Report • 1.14 MB
Economic Contributions_SA Summary_DEC2019.pdf


This report presents a summary of the economic con-tribution of South Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture  industries to the South Australian community.

The FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government  funded the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. As part of this project, BDO EconSearch was commissioned to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries in each state and territory to the Australian community, and to the relevant state or territory community, that is aimed at helping industry tell the story of its contribution.

This summary presents the results of this study for South Australia.

Estimates are based on the best available data and  most appropriate methods given data availability. Full results are provided in the Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimates Report and demonstrate the nationally consistent approach.

Report • 1.03 MB
Economic Contributions_WA Summary_NOV2019.pdf


This report presents a summary of the economic con-tribution of Western Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture  industries to the Western Australian community.

This work is an exciting step forward that lays the groundwork for the Western Australian seafood industry to celebrate its economic contributions and to showcase these to its communities and to Western Australians in general. It also provides the starting point for monitoring contributions to Western Australia’s economic prosperity over time.

The FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government funded the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. As part of this project, BDO EconSearch was commissioned to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries in each state and territory to the Australian community, and to the relevant state or territory community, that is aimed at helping industry tell the story of its contribution.

This summary presents the results of this study for Western Australia.

This is the first time the economic contribution of the Western Australian seafood industry has been reported  at the state and national level. Estimates are based on the best available data and most appropriate  methods given data availability. Full results are provided in the Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimates Report and demonstrate the nationally consistent approach.

Report • 842.46 KB
Economic Contributions_VIC Summary_DEC2019.pdf


This report presents a summary of the economic  contribution of Victoria’s fisheries and aquaculture  industries to the Victorian community.

The FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government funded the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. As part of this project, BDO EconSearch was commissioned to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries in each state and territory to the Australian community, and to the relevant state or territory community, that is aimed at helping industry tell the story of its contribution.

This summary presents the results of this study for Victoria.

Estimates are based on the best available data and  most appropriate methods given data availability. Full results are provided in the Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimates Report and demonstrate the nationally consistent approach.

Report • 1.66 MB
Economic Contributions_COMMONWEALTH FISHERIES Summary_DEC2019.pdf


This report presents a summary of the economic contributions of Australia’s Commonwealth-managed fisheries to the Australian community.

This work is an exciting step forward that lays the groundwork for the seafood industry to celebrate its economic contributions and to showcase these to its communities and to Australians in general. It also provides the starting point for monitoring contributions to Australia’s economic prosperity over time.

The FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government funded the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Contributions Study (FRDC project 2017-210) to produce evidence of industry’s contributions. The project was undertaken by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. As part of this project, BDO EconSearch was commissioned to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries to the Australian community that is aimed at helping industry tell the story of its contribution.

This summary presents the results of this study for Commonwealth-managed fisheries.

Estimates are based on the best available data and most appropriate methods given data availability. Full results, including the contributions of Commonwealth-managed fisheries to each state and territory, are provided in the Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimate Report and demonstrate the nationally consistent  approach.

Report • 2020-02-06 • 635.16 KB
2017-210 Data Summary and Framework Report.pdf


This report summarises the requisite data available for economic contribution analyses of fisheries and aquaculture activity by jurisdiction for the 2017/18 financial year. It serves as a supplement to the Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry 2017/18: Economic Contributions Estimates Report (BDO Econsearch 2019). 
Guide • 2020-10-02 • 1.25 MB


The purpose of these Practitioner Guidelines (hereafter referred to as guidelines) is to support managers, policymakers and industry in estimating the economic contributions of fisheries and aquaculture industries at various scales to national, state/territory and regional levels.
Final Report • 2020-12-24 • 2.09 MB


This project has found that the Australian fisheries and aquaculture industry makes a measurable economic contribution to the Australian as well as state and territorian economies. This evidence of economic contribution provides a baseline against which the level of future contributions can be measured. This is particularly relevant at times of economic shock, such as has been experienced as a result of the COVID19 pandemic and national health crisis.

In estimating economic contributions, the project has generated the technical means to support economic analysts in measurement of economic contributions in future. This suite of technical resources includes treatments for addressing gaps in data availability and quality. However, of equal importance has been the initiatives the project has identified that are required to address key data and capacity gaps to reduce uncertainty and increase the impact these types of economic analysis can have for Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

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