Project number: 2017-227
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $3,900.00
Principal Investigator: Jayne M. Gallagher
Organisation: Honey and Fox Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2017 - 29 Mar 2018


There are a number of proposals to extend compulsory seafood Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL), as currently exists in retail, to food service businesses. A number of stakeholder meetings have been held nationally and by individual states, to consider the proposal. There is a compulsory system in the Northern Territory and the NSW Government has agreed to consider the proposal for a CoOL scheme for seafood as part of its Fisheries Reform Package.
The Restaurant & Catering Industry Association considers that a concerted informational and educative campaign to increase the take-up of CoOL amongst food service businesses in the hospitality sector will deliver sustained results.
Other stakeholders are not convinced that a voluntary system will work so have agreed to trial a campaign in NSW food service businesses during 2018 to evaluate the impact of such an initiative (intended and unintended). This project workshops the ToR of such a trial


1. To develop Request for Tender documentation to ensure an increase in the purchase and sales of seafood and increase consumer awareness of the origin of seafood in food service through an informative education campaign targeting food service businesses in NSW.

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