Project number: 2019-091
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $42,000.00
Principal Investigator: Talia C. Hardaker
Organisation: Agtrans Research
Project start/end date: 6 Feb 2020 - 30 Jul 2020


FRDC requires a study to assess and compile relevant, publicly available, non-market impact valuation studies for potential use in future FRDC RD&E impact assessments and an assessment of the major gaps in the available non-market information related to the environmental and social impacts of fisheries RD&E to inform and prioritise potential future willingness-to-pay studies.


1. Assess and compile relevant, publicly available, non-market impact valuation studies for potential use in future FRDC RD&E impact assessments.
2. Identify and prioritise the major data/information gaps in the available non-market information related to the environmental and social impacts of fisheries RD&E to inform potential future willingness-to-pay studies.

Final report

Authors: Buyani Thomy Talia Hardaker Peter Chudleigh and Jim Binney
Final Report • 2020-10-01 • 1.05 MB


This report, titled ‘Non-Market Impact Valuation for Fisheries RD&E – Phase I: An Investigation and Gap Analysis of Non-Market Impact Valuation Studies for Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture RD&E’, presents the findings of the first stage of a process to assess and compile relevant, publicly available, non-market impact valuation studies for potential use in future Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) research, development and extension (RD&E) impact assessments. The report also provides an assessment of the major gaps in the available non-market information related to the environmental and social impacts of fisheries RD&E to inform and prioritise potential future WTP studies. The project was funded to address a recommendation made in the FRDC’s November 2018 Independent Performance Review conducted by Forest Hill Consulting that stated: ‘FRDC should develop and implement with its impact assessment provider a project to assess willingness-to-pay studies of environmental attributes of fishery resources and externalities arising from aquaculture as input into future assessments of the environmental impacts of FRDC’s Environment Program.’

Project products

Data • 2020-10-01 • 190.75 KB


A desktop review and assessment of the range and types of impacts attributable to past FRDC RD&E investments was undertaken. Impacts identified from past evaluations then were categorised in a triple bottom line framework. Environmental and social impacts were subsequently summarised to create a short-list of major fisheriesand aquaculture RD&E (hereafter referred to as ‘fisheries RD&E’) environmental and social impact types. The short-list of key environmental and social impact types was used to inform a comprehensive literature review of non-market valuations of environmental and social impacts associated with fisheries RD&E. Following completion of the literature review, a reference list/ database of available non-market valuation studies was developed in Microsoft Excel®. 

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