Published: 18 June 2024 Updated: 26 June 2024
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DATE 26 Jun 2024
FEEDBACK/STORY SUGGESTIONS Dempsey Ward Communication Coordinator +61 2 6122 2134

Prepare to be inspired, challenged and amazed by the keynote speakers at Seafood Directions 2024, taking place 10-12 September, in Hobart. 

Dr Jordan Nguyen (Technologist and futurist)

Dr Jordan Nguyen Sitting

Leading the charge into the future is Dr Jordan Nguyen, a distinguished technologist and futurist renowned for his visionary work in harnessing technology for positive change.  

Jordan will share his unique perspective on the role of technology in shaping our collective seafood future, focusing specifically on harnessing sustainable seafood production and distribution.  

Drawing upon his extensive experience and research, he will delve into cutting-edge technologies and their applications, illuminating how Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics and genetic research, can revolutionise the seafood sector. Dr Nguyen will challenge attendees to think beyond the conventional, envisioning a future that feels ‘Beyond Superhuman’.  

Laura Cubillos (Founding Partner of FoodMinds)

Laura Cubillos

Next up is Laura Cubillos, a founding partner of FoodMinds, a leading global food and nutrition affairs agency.  

With a focus on science, policy, and influencer and communication solutions, Laura helps clients navigate the rapidly changing worlds of food and beverage, consumer values, nutrition and public health. FoodMinds has partnered with several global seafood organisations and contributed to the Futures of Seafood study, a ground-breaking project charting the course for Australia’s seafood expansion.  

In her keynote, Laura will take the audience through Australia's first “SeaFoodscape”, highlighting the nutritional and cultural contributions of seafood, barriers and drivers to consumption, and emerging consumer and societal trends. Her insights will be invaluable for understanding the intersection of today’s healthy and sustainable food systems with tomorrow's consumer demands. 

Bernard Salt AM (Author and futurist)

Bernard Salt AM

Seafood Directions will also provide you with a rare chance to hear from one of Australia’s top social commentators, Bernard Salt AM. Bernard is renowned as one of Australia’s most sought-after corporate speakers, providing a chance for attendees to learn how to strategically position your products and business in a dynamic marketplace. 

Bernard has an impressive portfolio, having authored six best-selling books, hosted SkyNEWS Business TV's 'The Next Five Years,' and created the popular 'What Happens Next' podcast. With a distinguished 20-year career as a partner in a global advisory firm, he later founded The Demographics Group, which provides businesses with expert advice on demographic and social trends across Australia. In recognition of his significant contributions to demography and public service, Bernard was awarded the Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the 2017 Australia Day Honours. 

In his presentation, Bernard will share crucial insights into the demographic and social trends shaping the future of consumer behaviour. His expertise will help attendees understand shifting market demands, identify new growth opportunities, and adapt to evolving consumer preferences. 

Linda Sams (Sustainable Development DIrector at Cermaq Canada) 

Linda Sams

Following Bernard in this star-studded keynote lineup is Linda Sams, the Sustainable Development Director at Cermaq Canada. With a career spanning over 36 years in marine biology and environmental toxicology, Linda has dedicated her life to advancing sustainability and environmental stewardship in the aquaculture sector. 

Linda’s keynote will convey her insights from working with rural and remote coastal communities and numerous coastal First Nations. Her deep-rooted passion for farming, respect for the environment and commitment to animal welfare make her a formidable advocate for sustainable practices in the seafood sector. 

Gilad Sadan (The Packaging Hippie an Managing Director of N.A.V.I Co Global) 

Gilad Sadan

Gilad Sadan, also known as the Packaging Hippie, brings a wealth of expertise in packaging and sustainability, leading a creative agency that turns sustainability into a powerful marketing tool.  

Gilad Sadan’s keynote, 'Sustainable-Irresistible: aka V for Victory,' will delve into transforming global trends and innovations into a competitive advantage. He will explore how sustainability can enhance product appeal to drive sales and discuss strategies for increasing both product volume and value. Sadan will address key challenges such as rising costs, supply chain issues, and resource scarcity, emphasising how these factors are reshaping consumer perceptions and market dynamics. He will also highlight the importance of turning constraints into opportunities, using limitations to foster creativity and cost-efficiency.  

Secure your spot now!

Make sure to secure your spot for Seafood Directions 2024 and be inspired by these visionary leaders! You can purchase tickets here, or click this link to find out more about Seafood Directions 2024.