Changes are coming
The Stakeholder briefing is changing. You may have noticed it now has a new name, the FRDC Research and Innovation Investment Briefing. Over the next few issues, this briefing will re-focus its purpose towards research and development (R&D) providers to outline changes to the FRDC’s systems and processes, updates on current R&D and their outputs as well as available investment opportunities and priorities.
FRDC Organisational Updates
Call for applications
The FRDC has a call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to address research, development & extension (RD&E) priorities identified by FRDC stakeholders. The nominated RD&E priorities for investment and more information on each can be found here.
Please note that each priority has a nominated due date for submission of the application. Please check the due date for the nominated priority you are preparing an application for.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch on if you have any questions or concerns.
Applying for funds
The FRDC works with the fishing and aquaculture community to determine investment priorities through engagement with the R&D Plan Guides. The main vehicles for priority development are:
- State, Territory and Commonwealth Research Advisory Committees
- Partnership Agreements with major industry and recreational sectors
Coordination programs (formerly Subprograms) relate to thematic areas:
- Indigenous Reference Group
- Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity
- Human Dimensions Research (social sciences and economic research)
These groups work with the FRDC to identify priority areas for investment and the end users and preferred format that the investment outputs should be in.
If you have a priority area (not an application) for investment, please contact the FRDC or one of FRDC’s structures to communicate your need.
As always, funding requests to the FRDC must be submitted through the FRDC’s online portal FishNet. New users will be required to submit their contact details to obtain a new FishNet user account to access the system. Existing users can also update their contact details through FishNet – this includes user subscription preferences to FRDC’s publications and mail lists.
If you have any issues accessing FishNet or submitting your application, do not hesitate to contact one of our staff.
FishNet changes
Existing FishNet users will also notice a cosmetic change to the portal. This is the first stage of an overhaul of the FishNet portal that is intended to improve the user experience and progressively host a great offering of services.
This first stage has now enabled current Principal Investigators (PI) to submit their project deliverables electronically. The submission will:
- Automatically save the deliverable with the FRDC
- Notify the portfolio manager and the PI of successful submission
- Allocate the deliverable to a FRDC portfolio manager for assessment
- Increase business process efficiency within the FRDC
This new feature is available now with a "quick start guide”. Please let us know what you think.
End of financial year project reporting
Leading up to the end of the financial year – which coincides with a peak of FRDC project reporting – FRDC Management is reminding all project Principal Investigators to ensure that all your deliverables have been submitted. The FRDC also encourages, where possible, the submission of deliverables prior to the due date to ensure payments are made prior to the end of the financial year.
Deliverables and associated milestones should be sent to for us to process and initiate the review.
It is recommended that you contact your relevant FRDC Portfolio Manager or to alert the FRDC to any anticipated delays to project activities. The FRDC is committed to remaining flexible in our approach to investment management; and FRDC Portfolio Managers might provide the opportunity to undertake partial milestone reporting for partial, commensurate milestone payments. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch on if you have any questions or concerns.
Project ‘products’ and media opportunities
The FRDC would like to remind all project Principal Investigators of their obligation to provide the FRDC with copies of all project ‘products’ – e.g. publications, flyers, images & footage – generated as part of FRDC-funded RD&E activities. Currently, the FRDC makes accessible copies of Final Reports and associated (non-commercial) project products via the FRDC website.
The FRDC has been working to identify the most appropriate forums to centralise and make accessible related project products. The FRDC acknowledges that it has a role in centralising and making these products accessible while ensuring credit is given to the author(s).
The FRDC’s intention of centralising these project products is to enhance the extension and improve the broader adoption of R&D outputs and outcomes. In addition, the centralisation of RD&E project products – particularly data and statistical models – will aid in improving the transparency of FRDC-funded research and more broadly Australian marine science.
Similarly, Principle Investigators are reminded to provide the FRDC with any drafted media prior to distribution – this might extend to highlighting media opportunities. Contact your relevant FRDC Portfolio Manager, and/or the FRDC Communications Team on to alert the FRDC to potential media opportunities. The FRDC Communications Team is available for advice and assistance with media interactions as needed.
FRDC staff update
FRDC staff have collectively undertaken training in Agile work approaches with Agile teaching and coaching provider Elabor8. This work is to help support FRDC staff in building a workplace culture and systems which will allow for greater ease and efficiency in a rapidly evolving work environment. To provide further support, business units have been receiving coaching from Elabor8 to facilitate context-specific structures and norms to maximise learning impacts. In addition, one staff member will undertake “ScrumMaster” training and certification to ensure that work projects requiring assistance from across business units are meeting agile work principles.
In addition to Agile training, FRDC staff and Board Directors have been offered Indigenous reconciliation training (IRT) provided by Evolve Communities, an Indigenous owned reconciliation training company. Providing and promoting IRT internally specifically advances the actioning of the FRDC’s Indigenous Reconciliation Statement of Intent. Several staff and Board members have already completed training, which will be available over the next 12 months in an online format. website redevelopment project
In line with the R&D Plan 2020-2025, the redevelopment project is well underway with the ICT Team working closely with our partners to develop a new website for the FRDC.
The project commenced with a detailed analysis of data collated from various web analytics , as well as stakeholder surveys and internal and external interviews. This research was fundamental to setting the foundation of the website development and allowed for a refreshed review and testing of the information architecture (grouping of information) with a refined user group focus.
The ICT Team is currently working through the development phase with the aim to go live around mid-July 2021.
Improved service provision and program coordination
The FRDC provided a submission to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources Inquiry into the Australian aquaculture sector. The purpose of the Inquiry is to identify opportunities to grow aquaculture in Australia. The FRDC has a long-standing role in facilitating growth of aquaculture in Australia, and is well placed to inform this inquiry. The FRDC’s submission covered the following three topics from the terms of reference of this inquiry:
- the nature and current status of Australia's aquaculture sector;
- opportunities and barriers to the expansion of the aquaculture sector:
- including ability to access capital and investment;
- the ability for businesses to access and commercialise new innovations to expand aquaculture.
Food safety is a critical component of trade and market access across all sectors and facets of the seafood supply chain. The FRDC project ‘SafeFish’ provides technical advice to support Australia’s seafood trade and market access negotiations and helps to resolve barriers to trade. This service has secured ongoing funding for operations through to 2025, with additional focus on the development of a risk register for its partners and the flexibility to undertake more substantial research projects running over multiple years if necessary.
SafeFish has produced various technical reports/fact sheets to overcome issues of public health and market access significance for the Australian Seafood sectors. In May 2021, SafeFish facilitated three webinars outlining food safety risks associated with Vibrio bacteria and investigating management strategies.
Status of Australian Fish Stocks Update
The 2020/21 edition of the Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) Reports was launched on 8th of June 2021. SAFS began in 2012 and it has been published every two years since. The latest and fifth edition provides assessments for 148 species and/or species complexes, covering over 90% of the volume of Australian commercially fished species found in the markets.
In early May, the FRDC’s Crispian Ashby presented at the final Sundown Session webinar on the latest edition of the SAFS Reports. The Sundown Series, is organised by the Queensland Seafood Marketers Association and funded by the FRDC.
Update on jurisdictional Research Advisory Committees
After a fantastic response to its call for member applications, the FRDC has now appointed members to its new Research Advisory Committees (RACs). The RACs are a network of eight bodies representing the jurisdictions of each State, the Commonwealth, and the Northern Territory, that will work to advise the FRDC on its investment priorities in support of its R&D Plan 2020-2025.
The FRDC has also appointed four common Chairs that will preside over two RACs each. The newly appointed chairs are:
- Dr Cathy Dichmont – Commonwealth and Northern Territory RACs
- Dr James Findlay – Queensland and New South Wales RACs
- Mr Brett McCallum – Western Australian and South Australian RACs
- Dr Heidi Mumme – Tasmanian and Victorian RACs
The FRDC RAC Managers are Chris Izzo and Nicole Stubing. Further information can be found on the FRDC website and the FRDC will provide updates on meeting times and opportunities for stakeholders.
The FRDC will be inducting the new RAC members in a series of face-to-face meeting (COVID-19 permitting) throughout June and July, outlining their roles as per the RAC Management Procedure – with the primary role identifying research priorities. This includes defining the issue, end user, gate keepers, best way to deliver and method for project selection.
Given their key role in the prioritisation of RD&E, the FRDC anticipates that there will be a Call for Applications in the first quarter of the new financial year post the first round of RAC meetings.
FRDC Board meeting dates and locations
Date |
Meeting |
Location |
16 -17 Jun 2021 |
Stakeholder engagement visit |
Perth |
23 Jun 2021 |
Board meeting |
Teleconference |
18 Aug 2021 |
Board meeting |
Canberra |
25 Nov 2021 |
Board meeting |
Canberra |
Whole of Agriculture updates
Federal budget
Overall, the budget provided $1.2 billion to the portfolio. Key announcements for fisheries and aquaculture included: $100 million Oceans Leadership Package; $210 million dollars to establish the Australian Climate Service; $22.9 million (of $60 million reported) for trialling ways to reduce emissions through livestock feed; and $215 million for a national soil program to improve soil health.
The $100 Oceans Leadership Package is an environmental initiative focussed on restoration of blue carbon ecosystems, marine and indigenous protected areas and threatened marine species. Another relevant environmental initiative is the establishment of the Australian Climate Service to respond to natural disasters and changing climates. The Government will incorporate Sea Country into nine Indigenous Protected Areas. Traditional owners will jointly manage more ocean, strengthening the protection of marine biodiversity and cultural values.
The $22.9 million for feedstock emission reduction in cattle is available to support the continuing development of Asparagopsis seaweed and other feed supplements. These funds are provided for partnerships between farmers and agri-technology/feed companies (Note – the department has reached out to Futurefeed, Regan Crooks).
The $215 million to improve soil health may provide opportunities to fund projects where waste and biomass from fisheries and aquaculture could be applied to improve soil health. 67 million has been allocated to reduce the amount of food waste going to landfill and improve soil health.
The budget also made provision to progress other fisheries related topics on Trade, Biosecurity, Innovation, Workforce Planning and Perishable Agricultural Products:
$20.1 million has been allocated for Commonwealth fisheries to introduce leading edge data integration, monitoring and artificial intelligence to reduce regulatory burden, boost productivity, support new export opportunities and improve environmental outcomes. This package includes the $9.95 million e-Fish initiative and the $10.1 million e-Monitoring program that will boost innovation and lower compliance costs.
Tuna Champions will be extended with a commitment of $900,000 over three years. It will continue to improve the use of best practice fishing methods for recreational fishers of Southern Bluefin Tuna and expand to cover all tuna species of interest to recreational fishers.
$33.7 million to incentivise businesses to use artificial intelligence to solve challenges of national significance, building on the Business Research and Innovation Initiative.
Development of a new National Climate Resilience and Adaption Strategy to provide a roadmap towards national climate resilience over the long term.
The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) program to support small and medium enterprises to expand and diversify their export markets.
$1.5 billion has been allocated to the Modern Manufacturing Strategy delivery through National Manufacturing Priority Roadmaps. Food and beverage is one of the six national manufacturing priority areas.
Funds allocated for biosecurity:
- $235.1 million for measures on partnerships with importers, companies, producers the community
- $29.1 million for pest control
- $84.1 million for frontline biosecurity personnel and resources
- $80.9 million for ICT systems
Bega Valley
The FRDC has come on board as a partner of an initiative which seeks to help the Bega Valley Shire transition from a linear economy (make-use-dispose) to a more circular economy, in which resources are used differently, to keep products in use longer, re-use waste products to create value, and repair natural systems to improve health and function. Though the Bega Valley region is not widely known as a mecca for fishing and aquaculture, the FRDC has signed on as a partner to learn alongside other partners, which include Bermagui Fishermen’s Co-Op, KPMG, Rabobank, Charles Sturt University and others. This initiative supports a regional pursuit of outcomes aligning with Outcome 1 of the FRDC’s R&D Plan 2020-25. The FRDC’s participation in this venture complements investment through project 2020/078 to understand opportunities for circular economy thinking across fishing and aquaculture
The Bega Valley team, led by Barry Irvin, Executive Chairman of significant local business, Bega Cheese, have been developing a business case for funding with a total budget of $65m, to drive progress under four pillars (Foundational, Map Vision Plan, Innovate & Mobilise, Empower & Advocate) and seven pathways.
Soon project partners will be contributing to a series of workshops to explore each of the project areas and determine where there might be particularly strong interest and alignment. This will result in establishment of working groups for priority projects to drive these forward.
FIAL-SISI-FRDC collaboration
Commercial fishing and recreational fishing remain among the most dangerous professions and recreational pursuits in Australia. Though there are variables associated with operating on the water that are inherently risky, cultural dynamics (emergent patterns within a group that indicate the ‘correct’ way to perceive, feel, think and act) are also a contributing factor.
Over the coming months, the FRDC have partnered with Food Innovation Australia Ltd and the Seafood Industry Safety Initiative (SISI) to use experimental approaches to try and understand and shape cultural dynamics around safety across fishing and aquaculture.
The process will involve gathering stories from across fishing and aquaculture that help develop an understanding of cultural dynamics around safety. This may help to surface areas where interventions may help drive a more pro-active and safety-aware culture.
This work will build upon the consultation from April when the SISI steering committee met at the Australian Maritime and Fisheries Academy (AMFA) in Port Adelaide. The meeting highlighted the interplay between workplace safety, and physical and mental health. In addition, there was recognition of a suite of actions and behaviours that industry and regulators may take to improve WHS outcomes – foremost, is engaging in meaningful communication among parties to reduce incidences of ‘unintended consequences’ through decision making processes.
Australian Agrifood Data Exchange (OzAg Data Exchange)
The Australian AgriFood Data Exchange aims to be an entity that is designed, owned and governed by the Agrifood industry to enable the safe and permissioned exchange of data and the generation of valuable insights increasing the industry’s ability to compete in the global market.
The Steering Committee of OzAg Data Exchange has recently ratified the appointment of the Hon Andrew Robb AO as the independent chairperson. It is still in the process of filling the 8 seats of the steering committee. The FRDC, as a Tier 2 partner, has a position on the advisory council to the steering committee. Other notable investors and participants in OzAg Data Exchange include (but are not limited to):
- Charles Sturt University
- Meat and Livestock Australia
- FIAL (Food Innovation Australia Limited)
- Agriculture Victoria
- WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- NSW Department of Primary Industries
- AIA (Agriculture Innovation Australia)
The project is currently in Phase 2 and 3 of its timeline. These phases will take the project through experimentation to finalisation of the business case. The experimentation will look at four Use Cases that have been determined as a starting point from a series of consultations and workshops with government, industry, and producers. They are:
- Centralised data for compliance and certification
- Biosecurity and contamination information
- Voluntary benchmarking for comparisons and decisions
- Supply and origin traceability
The FRDC was able to steer Use Case 4: Supply and origin traceability for Rock Lobster or Prawn traceability. To ensure the Use Case experiment is a success, the FRDC will be nominating industry participants, creating a dataset registry, and approaching specialists to join the working groups.
Additionally, lessons learnt and solutions from other three experiments will help fishing and aquaculture in the future.
Global initiatives
Ocean Decade
This year marks the start of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the delivery of the second World Ocean Assessment by the United Nations.
The two initiatives are intricately linked as it was the finding of the first World Ocean Assessment that provided the impetus for the United Nations, through the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, to propose that a decade of ocean science was needed.
The first call for actions under the Ocean Decade has seen the global science community come together to put forward ambitious programmes of work across:
- ocean discovery
- ocean and coastal modelling and prediction
- developing and improving management and decision support tools
- improving best practices and access to ocean knowledge
- facilitating connections between ocean stakeholders.
Many include input from the Australian research community and Australian ocean stakeholders. In addition, Australians are involved in specific actions that have been recognised under the Ocean Decade including conferences, workshops, exhibitions and events. The efforts of the Australian ocean community and outputs generated under the Ocean Decade will assist in progressing the Australian government’s commitments to the ocean made via the High Level Panel on a Sustainable Ocean Economy, and to the SDGs, in particular SDG 14 - Life Below Water.
The official launch of the Ocean Decade occurred on the 2nd of June in Australia, which will be followed by a series of “Ocean Decade Laboratories” scheduled to occur across 2021 and 2022. These laboratories are aimed at catalysing partnerships and co-designing actions to be carried out under the Ocean Decade. The launch event coincided with the first virtual Early Career Ocean Professionals Day hosted by and for early career ocean professionals from around the world to showcase their work, activities, and contributions to the Ocean Decade. Australian early career ocean professionals will be contributing to this global event with a program of activities being hosted by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania.
At the same time, the third Regular Process for the Reporting and Assessment of the Marine Environment including Socio-economic Aspects which produces the World Ocean Assessment ( has just started. Member states, including Australia, have put forward their nominations to the Group of Experts with the members recently meeting and planning the activities of the third cycle. They will begin production of a series of short policy briefs focusing on key areas of the second World Ocean Assessment (released in April 2021) and are engaging with other international processes such as the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to build relationships and ensure complementarity. Dr Karen Evans from the CSIRO is the member of the Group of Experts representing Australia.
Key contacts/websites for the UN Decade of Ocean Science:
- Dr Karen Evans (Decade Advisory Board, Member; and Nick D'Adamo (Head - Perth Programme Office in support of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO;
Communications and Events
World Fisheries Congress 2021
The World Fisheries Congress 2021 (WFC2021)is happening in Adelaide from 20 to 24 September 2021. It is supported by funding from the South Australian Government and the FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government.
The conference theme is “Sharing our oceans and rivers – a vision for the world’s fisheries” and it includes four sub-themes:
- Sustainable Fisheries (Assessment, Regulation, Enforcement).
- Fish and Aquatic Ecosystems (Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecosystem Function, Integrated Management).
- Fisheries and Society (Contributions to Sustainable Development).
- Future of Fish and Fisheries (Innovation in Fisheries).
The FRDC is also involved in the organisation of the conference and has a prominent booth in the trade exhibition. The FRDC is keen to engage with conference participants to showcase fisheries management in Australia and discuss how we can continue to innovate, transform and connect.
Delegates will be invited to participate in person or online through a hybrid program, so the congress can continue to connect the global fisheries and aquaculture community to discuss the sustainable development of the world’s oceans, lakes, estuaries, and rivers.
Keep FRDC in the loop
The FRDC is encouraging those Investigators of FRDC-funded projects who have been provided presenters’ slots at the WFC2021 to do so in person. For those investigators presenting at the WFC2021 in person or online, do not hesitate to let your relevant FRDC Portfolio Manager know so that the FRDC might be able to promote your presentation.
If attending in person, be sure to catch up with the FRDC staff at the trade booth.
Virtual sponsorship benefits are now available.
Sponsoring or exhibiting at the WFC2021 is an opportunity to highlight your brand to the world’s fisheries community.
As the Congress will now take place both in person and online, this presents a unique opportunity for virtual sponsorship.
A range of virtual sponsorship benefits have been added to the Sponsorship Prospectus, to maximise exposure and engagement with congress participants before, during and after the event. This includes the option of a completely virtual sponsorship package for those who are unable to travel.
Projects approved since last update in March 2021
NOTE: some projects may have not yet been contracted
Project Number |
Title |
Applicant |
Principal Investigator |
Budget ($) |
2020-073 |
The value of artificial reefs and FADs in creating new recreational fishing opportunities and the important role in fish recruitment that are unique to Tasmania |
UTas |
Sarah Ugalde |
$340,000 |
2020-094 |
Improving the availability of safe and effective veterinary medicines for Australia's seafood industry |
Shane D. Roberts |
$322,764 |
2020-095 |
Science to support Australia’s Southern Ocean Fisheries 2021-2023 |
UTas |
Philippe Ziegler |
$1,259,000 |
2020-097 |
Investigating sources of variability in the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Patagonian Toothfish fishery |
UTas |
Dale Maschette |
$847,000 |
2020-104 |
Evaluating of the role of direct fish-to-fish contact on horizontal transmission of Koi herpesvirus |
Peter D. Kirkland |
$149,650 |
2020-105 |
Ray Report Card |
UTas |
Colin Simpfendorfer |
$203,242 |
2020-106 |
Pioneering Tropical Rock Lobster Raft Grow-out for Northern Australia |
CRC for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) |
Jennifer Blair |
$500,000 |
2020-107 |
Seafood Directions Conference 2022, 2024, 2026 |
Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) |
Rosie Love |
$300,000 |
2020-109 |
Future proofing the Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) Industry by developing new products for new markets |
Kin Premium Australian Seafood Pty Ltd |
Trent D'Antignana |
$300,000 |
2020-110 |
Fish and Chips Awards 2021 |
Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) |
Jessica L. McInerney |
$109,750 |
2020-116 |
Accelerating Greenlip Abalone stock recovery in South Australia using release of hatchery-reared juveniles: Phase 1 - genetics risk assessment and preliminary cost-benefit analysis |
University of Adelaide |
Stephen Mayfield |
$111,500 |
2020-118 |
Pre feasibility for a zero emission fishing fleet - Prawn fishing case study |
Austral Fisheries Pty Ltd |
Clayton Nelson |
$12,000 |
2020-125 |
Investigating the use of a remote operated underwater vehicle (ROUV) for surveying abalone on reefs in the Western zone abalone fishery, Victoria. |
Western Abalone Divers Association (WADA) |
Harry Peeters |
$160,000 |
2021-001 |
The emerging billfish fishing grounds of northern Australia: fisheries description, movements, and hot-spots |
Charles Darwin University (CDU) |
Keller Kopf |
$399,812 |
2021-008 |
Utilisation of boat ramp cameras to estimate recreational fishing catch and effort in key Victorian fisheries |
Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) |
Justin D. Bell |
$142,200 |
2021-010 |
Wider investigation of the use of video survey techniques to determine commercial scallop abundance in inshore and offshore waters, closed areas and juvenile beds |
UTas |
Ryan Day |
$377,509 |
2021-018 |
SafeFish 2021-2025 |
UTas |
Alison Turnbull |
$1,547,942 |
2021-020 |
Stable isotopes: a rapid method to determine lobster diet and trace lobster origin? |
UTas |
John P. Keane |
$22,227 |
2021-022 |
Establishing influence of environmental factors on trace element profiles database and sampling frequency |
Curtin University |
Janet Howieson |
$670,000 |
Final reports submitted since last update in January 2021
Project Number |
Title |
Applicant |
Shark Futures: Sustainable management of the NSW whaler shark fishery |
NSW Department Of Primary Industries |
Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: Development of stable positive control material and development of internal controls for molecular tests for detection of important endemic and exotic pathogens |
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart |
ABFA IPA: RD&E project investment and management via ABFA strategic plan 2014-2020 |
Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA) |
Influence of freshwater flows on growth and abundance of Barramundi and Mud Crab in the Northern Territory |
Charles Darwin University (CDU) |
Developing triple bottom line harvest strategies that include all environmental aspects for multi-sector fisheries |
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart |
Developing alternative strategies for managing seal-fisher interactions in the South Australian Lakes and Coorong Fishery |
SARDI Food Safety and Innovation |
Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity Subprogram: Perkinsus olseni in abalone - development of fit-for-purpose tools to support its management |
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA |
Determination of the spatial dynamics and movement rates of the principal target species within the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery and connectivity with the broader western and central Pacific Ocean – beyond tagging |
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart |
Investigating the use of trace element profiles to substantiate provenance for the Australian prawn industry |
Curtin University |
Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity Subprogram: Strategic planning, project management and adoption |
CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory |
Improving mortality rate estimates for management of the Queensland Saucer Scallop fishery |
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct |
Progressing the National Fisheries Digital Data Framework - Industry consultation |
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) |
Linking ecosystem services to the profitability of prawn fisheries linked to 2017-188 |
CSIRO Land and Water Canberra |
A preliminary assessment of the prevalence of marine micro plastics in Australian fish, crustaceans and molluscs |
University of Adelaide |
Development and ongoing Maintenance of an Australian Standard for aquatic plant names |
Alan Snow Konsulting |
Water treatment to control influent water biosecurity risk on Australian prawn farms. Effectiveness and impacts on production ponds. |
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct |
Understanding blood flukes infecting Southern Bluefin Tuna |
RMIT University Melbourne City Campus |
Improving data on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander marine resource use to inform decision-making |
Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) |
Demand Conditions and Dynamics in the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery: Empirical Investigation |
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart |
Non-market values to inform decision-making and reporting in fisheries and aquaculture – an audit and gap analysis |
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) |
Development of a hydrodynamic model to investigate near field and regional connectivity around Okehampton Bay |
Tassal Operations Pty Ltd |
A Stock Assessment Toolbox for Australian Fisheries |
Cathy Dichmont Consulting |
Commercial production trial with high POMS tolerant triploid Pacific Oysters in approved NSW estuaries. |
Australian Seafood Industries Pty Ltd (ASI) |
Forecasting spatial distribution of Southern Bluefin Tuna habitat in the Great Australian Bight – updating and improving habitat and forecast models |
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart |
FRDC Community Engagement Strategy Evaluation Framework |
Clear Horizon |
Risk analysis to identify and minimise biosecurity risks arising from recycling bivalve mollusc shell waste during shellfish reef restoration projects in Australia |
DigsFish Services Pty Ltd |
National Snapper Workshop - Rebuilding our iconic Snapper stocks |
Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) |
National Recreational Fishing Conference bursary 2019 |
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) |
Evaluating the Effects of Seismic Energy on Pinctada maxima Pearl Oysters |
Australian Institute Of Marine Science (AIMS) |
Developing a value proposition and future track for the National Aquaculture Council (NAC) |
National Aquaculture Council (NAC) |
2020-2025 Strategic Plan for the Australian Oyster Industry |
Oysters Australia Ltd |
Oyster Industry Response to the COVID19 Crisis |
Oysters Australia Ltd |
Survey for WSSV vectors in the Moreton Bay White Spot Biosecurity Area |
DigsFish Services Pty Ltd |