13 results

Development of a hydrodynamic model to investigate near field and regional connectivity around Okehampton Bay

The study aims to satisfy the regulatory requirements of Environmental Licence 10172/2 from the Tasmanian EPA around Tassal’s use of Okehampton Bay for salmonoid aquaculture, particularly the possible fate of material released within Okehampton Bay into the receiving environment. To...
Tassal Group

Tassal: Flesh quality issues in spring grown Atlantic Salmon

Project number: 2016-271
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $31,722.00
Principal Investigator: Brad Evans
Organisation: Tassal Group
Project start/end date: 12 Oct 2017 - 16 Dec 2017


Following customer complaints of excessive gape in harvested product in September 2016, there was a requirement to understand factors that may be contributing to quality issues. Historical records revealed that this is a common complaint during this period of the harvest cycle and this research is the first step in developing a long term strategy for understanding the issue and improving the consistency of harvest product throughout the year.

The aim of this study is to
(i) develop techniques to document and compare fish quality within CSIRO and Tassal,
(ii) benchmark the texture and gaping status of harvest fish
(iii) explore biochemical and structural factors that correlate to gaping
(iv) develop a longer term approach to monitoring and managing seasonal flesh quality issues.


1. • Understand harvest stress effects upon flesh quality in Tassal salmon, and develop methodology to mitigate stress

Tassal: improved Atlantic Salmon enclosure netting

Project number: 2016-269
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $289,000.00
Principal Investigator: Brad Evans
Organisation: Tassal Group
Project start/end date: 12 Oct 2017 - 28 Feb 2018


Tassal farms Atlantic salmon in Tasmania, with the salmon typically contained using a single layer of netting constructed from polymeric (filament) fibres. These nets have approximately a 6 year lifespan during which time the breaking force for the strongest nets used decreases from 300 kg to around 160 kg. The nets are often damaged by predators (sharks and seals) attempting to take salmon from inside the nets.
There is evidence that sharks can bite and cut through the net but there is no direct evidence that seals damage the nets through biting (but this cannot be discounted). It would appear that seals tend to work on a hole or weakness through repeated nose/head punching at the aperture in an attempt to snare fish as they swim past. The seals also attempt to extract dead fish by the head or tail through the netting apertures.
Net damage and consequent stock loss is a major problem that Tassal wishes to address. Tassal has tried numerous netting systems to address the issues including wire netting, fine wires interlaced within the polymer netting structures, high strength fibre (e.g. Dyneema), plastic meshes etc all without commercial success (based on cost, practicality, poor service life due to corrosion etc.).
One approached currently being investigated by Tassal, which is showing promise, is the use of a stiffened polymer fibre netting material provided by a Japanese company. This product is expensive but not unacceptable if it provides a solution. However supply of this netting appears restricted and the company cannot currently supply to Tassal requirements. Based on the production process of the Japanese supplier, mesh sizes and netting width is limited.


1. Demonstrate feasibility of three alternative options for seal-proof net structure
2. Recommend a structure to undergo scale-up for commercial seal-proof net trials
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