61 results

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: conduct of a multi-jurisdiction simulation exercise focussed on health management in Australian aquaculture

Project number: 2003-669
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $92,196.00
Principal Investigator: Iain East
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 30 Aug 2003 - 31 Oct 2005


The current program of simulation exercises conducted under the auspices of the Federal Budget Initiative is designed to provide individual jurisdictions with training in the management of aquatic animal disease emergencies. However, within Australia, both marine and freshwater environments cross State/Territory boundaries. The need for inter-jurisdictional co-operation in successful disease control and eradication has not previously been addressed. A current FRDC project, 2002/660 is providing training focussed on the operation of the Consultative Committee on Emergency Animal Diseases, however, the aims and objectives of the current proposal are to develop cooperation at a technical and operational level rather than the strategic level addressed by project 2002/660.
The current proposal follows on from a previous project (2002/655) that involved:
1. Recruitment of stakeholders to the proposed exercise,
2. The development of the exercise documentation and plans,
3. Obtaining financial support from stakeholders

All of these objectives have been met. The project outlined in the current proposal will allow for the conduct of the exercise as planned. This project submission has been requested by the FRDC Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram.


1. To conduct, in cooperation with a range of government and non-government organisations, a simulation exercise that will effectively address issues of inter-jurisdictional communication and cooperation in response to an emergency disease incident.
2. To enhance the capabilities of the States/Territories that share the Murray/Darling Basin in the area of management of aquatic animal disease incidents.
3. To heighten the awareness of these jurisdictions to the potential for incursions of emergency diseases.

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: development of strategies for improved stock loss insurance and for development of a cost-sharing arrangement for emergency disease management in aquaculture

Successful completion of this project has lead to establishment of a clear pathway for aquaculture industries to access compensation for government ordered slaughter of stock as part of the response to an emergency disease incident. The pilot study provides specific details of the costs and...
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)

Zoological Catalogue of Australia Volume 35.2 Pisces — completion to book and electronic publication

Project number: 2003-302
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $15,000.00
Principal Investigator: Pamela Beesley
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 3 Apr 2003 - 15 Jan 2007


The primary needs are:

1. Accurate and thorough documentation of Australia’s fish diversity. Accurate understanding of species based on valid nomenclature is vital for effective implementation of the EPBC Act (Cth) 1999 and ecological sustainable development (ESD).
2. Stability of scientific names applied to fish. Essential for communication and dissemination of knowledge.
3. To have ready access to a searchable database of all names that have ever been applied to the Australian fish fauna.
4. An available master list of names is required for OZCAM (Online Zoological Collection of Australian Museums) and GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). Once completed "Fish" will be used as the "examplar" taxa for OZCAM, demonstrating an online Faunal Web Site.


1. Check, edit and correct as necessary the manuscript of Vol. 35.2 Pisces, following negotiation with the Principal Compiler and ABRS editor, and ensure the inclusion of CAAB (Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota) codes for all taxa.
2. Edit graphics (scanned images) for inclusion in the volume and on the ABRS web site.
3. Prepare the text and graphics for hardcopy publication and typeset the volume with the title Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Volume 35.2 Pisces.
4. Prepare the text and graphics for electronic publication at http://www.ea.gov.au/biodiversity/abrs/abif/fauna/index.html.

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: enhancement of emergency disease management through the education and training of the CCEAD participants on the CCEAD process

Project number: 2002-660
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $49,541.84
Principal Investigator: Linda Walker
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 19 Oct 2002 - 20 Oct 2005


Many fisheries and aquaculture industries around the world have suffered major production losses due to the impact of disease epidemics. Few major disease incidents have occurred in Australian aquaculture, and as a result, the Commonwealth, State/Territory governments and aquaculture industries have relatively little experience in incident management for emergency aquatic animal diseases. Through AQUAPLAN – Australia’s National Strategic Plan for Aquatic Animal Health 1998-2003 we have developed strategies and mechanisms such as the Aquatic Consultative Committee on Emergency Animal Diseases (Aquatic CCEAD) to provide advice on the management of disease emergencies in fisheries and aquaculture. Through the White Spot Virus incident in 2000-2001, however, it became apparent that the participants lacked the experience to effectively put into practice the CCEAD process.
The need for this education and training program can be summarized as follows:
1. Both government and industries have relatively little experience with real emergencies.
2. Industry and some government jurisdictions have little knowledge and understanding of the CCEAD process which is essential when dealing with an emergency.
3. In some jurisdictions there is a lack of clarity about the roles and responsibilities of various individuals.
4. Industry has little experience on CCEAD and has not previously been a bona fide member of CCEAD.
5. Lack of experience of disease incidents has lead to a lack of understanding of the reasons for confidentiality and hence conformation to the confidentiality guidelines.
6. Lack of experience with the CCEAD process has lead to the misuse and abuse of the process for political mileage rather then disease incident management.


1. To familiarize participants with, and increase their understanding of, the CCEAD Terms of Reference and Operating Guidelines.
2. To develop trust and build relationships within and between the government and industry representatives.
3. To promote appropriate and effective behaviour when Aquatic CCEAD is activated.
4. To educate participants in Aquatic CCEAD on the benefits of abiding by the confidentiality clause of CCEAD.
5. To improve Australia’s emergency management response through an effective Aquatic CCEAD process.
6. To develop a training course/workshop for CCEAD participants.

Final report

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: Design and Organisation of a multi-state disease emergency simulation exercise

Project number: 2002-655
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $38,557.00
Principal Investigator: Iain East
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 30 Oct 2002 - 30 Jun 2006


The current program of simulation exercises to be conducted under the auspices of the Federal Budget Initiative is designed to provide individual jurisdictions with training in the management of an aquatic animal disease emergency.
However, within Australia, both marine and freshwater environments cross State/Territory boundaries. The need for inter-jurisdictional co-operation in successful disease control and eradication has not previously been addressed. A current FRDC project, 2002/660 is providing training focussed on the operation of the Consultative Committee on Emergency Animal Diseases, however, the aims and objectives of the current proposal are to develop cooperation at a technical and operational level rather than the strategic level addressed by project 2002/660.

This project is needed to allow the development of the exercise materials and ensure that the exercise is effectively and efficiently planned.

This project submission has been requested by the FRDC Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram.


1. To develop in consultation with a range of government and no-government organisations, a simulation exercise that will effectively address issues of inter-jurisdictional communication and cooperation in response to an emergency disease incident.
2. To engage the States/Territories that share the Murray/Darling Basin in the planning exercise and in doing so, heighten the awareness of these jurisdictions to the potential for incursions of emergency disease.
3. To negotiate funding for the subsequent simulation exercise from a range of participating agencies.

Aquatic Animal health Subprogram: production of AQUAVETPLAN disease strategy manual for viral haemorrhagic septicaemia

In the May 2000 Budget, the Federal Government announced its Building a National Approach to Animal and Plant Health program. This initiative seeks to maintain Australia’s status as a sought after supplier of high quality, ‘clean, green’ agricultural produce. Within this...
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: facilitating the establishment of the Aquatic Animal Health Consultative Committee (AAHCC) as the primary industry-government interface for aquatic animal health issues in Australia

The development and implementation of AQUAPLAN, Australia’s National Strategic Plan for Aquatic Animal Health 1998-2003, was overseen by an interim joint industry/government committee, the Fish Health Management Committee (FHMC). In November 2001, a working group established to review FHMC...
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
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