258 results

Location and transport of early life stages of dhufish (Glaucosoma hebraicum)

Project number: 2011-016
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $292,372.00
Principal Investigator: John Keesing
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2011 - 14 Oct 2012


Dhufish is one of the most commercially and recreationally important finfish in Western Australia. Together with pink snapper it accounts for almost half of the commercial catch of the west coast demersal scalefish. Recently, commercial and recreational fishers reported that they moved further offshore to catch dhufish suggesting heavy fishing in nearshore areas and the threat of overfishing offshore amplified with increasing use of GPSs. Another concern is a drop in the maximum observed age of dhufish by 9 years from 41 to 32 years old and a decrease in the proportion of dhufish > 13 years of age in the catches from 28 to 9% over the last decade. The limited knowledge of this species points to very limited dispersal over its range enhancing concerns about the vulnerability of dhufish to overexploitation. Understanding the physical and biological processes that underpin recruitment success in dhufish is of key importance to making predictions about the future productivity and management of the fishery. Recent research indicated that the recruitment strength will depend on spawning output of adults, oceanographic conditions and food availability during the planktonic stage. Lack of knowledge of location and transport of eggs and larvae fundamentally limits understanding of the recruitment of dhugfish. The project aims at locating the early life stages and their transport areas such that sustainability for this species can be pursued.


1. Finding early life stages
2. Unravelling transport areas of eggs and larvae and correlating it with physical and biological processes
3. Predicting larval sources and sinks and relating it to currents, salinity, temperature, chlorophyll and food

Final report

Authors: Joanna Strzelecki Ming Feng Oliver Berry Liejun Zhong John Keesing David Fairclough Alan Pearce Dirk Slawinski Nick Mortimer

SCRC: SCRC RTG: Study Tour to Norway (Richard Taylor)

The primary reason for this travel was to attend the Fish Breeders' Round Table in Stavanger, Norway. This is an international forum, where knowledge and experience is exchanged between fish breeding researchers and those involved in applied genetic improvement work on a commercial basis. The forum...
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart

Seafood CRC: synopsis of Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) research to date and review/recommendation of future AGD related R&D directions including the development of a vaccine for AGD

Project number: 2010-741
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $15,513.50
Principal Investigator: Mat T. Cook
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 29 Sep 2010 - 6 Mar 2011


This application is needed to provide funds to undertake a comprehensive review of AGD research conducted to date, to produce a single document encapsulating what has been attempted and what has worked. This review will be used by the AGD Vaccine Phase III Management Advisory committee to make a decision on whether a comprehensive review by external experts should be commissioned to determine the best way forward for AGD research. This will then be used by industry and research providers to formaulte a short, medium and long term R&D strategy for AGD.


1. Comprehensive review/synopsis of AGD research undertaken to date
2. Decision as to whether a vaccine for AGD is worth pursuing
3. Development of a short, medium and long term R&D plan for AGD

Final report

ISBN: 978 0 646 57249 9
Author: Mathew Cook
Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Final Report • 2012-02-23 • 1.27 MB


The major outcome of this project was the development of a 2011 R&D strategy by the TSGA. This included a list of R&D priorities for 2011, including AGD related research, and a specific list of areas of interest for 2011. Subsequent to this the TSGA received 7 project proposals pertaining to their R&D priorities and areas of interest for 2011. The final outcome was the formation of the AGD Working Group (AGDWG) consisting of representatives from Industry, the key research providers and the funding agencies (FRDC and Seafood CRC). The role of this group is to review and provide advice on AGD R&D. This group met on the 21st of June 2011 to discuss and consider these research proposals

Seafood CRC: discovery and manipulation of Neoparamoeba perurans aquaporins as a means to treat amoebic gill disease (AGD)

Project number: 2010-731
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $53,250.00
Principal Investigator: Mat T. Cook
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2010 - 29 Nov 2010


Cumulative data from other parasites suggests that blocking of Aquaporin channels (AQPs) may provide a suitable target for the use of pharmaceuticals to control these diseases. Neoparamoeba share many similarities with other pathogens. However, there is a need to correctly identify the Neoparamoeba AQPs at the molecular level, to undertake preliminary studies to show that these AQPs can be blocked preferentially (without affecting Atlantic salmon AQPs), and to show that block of the parasite AQPs results in inhibition or death of the Neoparamoeba. Central to this work and indeed to any further AGD research is a need to develop low cost, rapid and reliable assays of salmon gill cell – Neoparamoeba interactions. These in-vitro assays would lead to real dollar savings in the search for alternative AGD treatments by providing high throughput capability to assess multiple treatment options (pharmaceuticals, vaccines, chemicals). They provide a means of investigating amoebae – gill interactions as well as differential (pathogen versus host) effects of treatments. Dr Benita Vincent at CSIRO has begun pilot development of these assay systems with good early success, however, further resources are required to see this work to fruition.


1. To clone and sequence Neoparamoeba perurans aquaporins
2. To screen a library of known aquaporin blockers against both Neoparaomoeba perurans and Atlantic salmon aquaporins in an in-vitro Xenopus oocyte system
3. To refine and establish routine protocols for an Atlantic salmon gill cell line and in vitro assay for examining amoeba-gill and treatment interactions
4. To take the best identified aquaporin blockers (from objective 2) and test these in vitro to determine if they kill or inhibit Neoparamoeba perurans without affecting Atlantic salmon cells

FRDC-DCCEE: identification of climate-driven species shifts and adaptation options for recreational fishers: learning general lessons from a data rich case

Project number: 2010-524
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $142,137.00
Principal Investigator: Daniel Gledhill
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2010 - 30 May 2013


There is increasing evidence that global warming has contributed to recent changes in the distribution and abundance of numerous marine species (e.g. Hiddink and Hofstede 2008, Poloczanska et al., 2008). Changes often manifest as poleward extensions of species ranges, resulting in geographically extensive invasions and displacements (Walther et al. 2002). How these will impact fisheries and fisher behaviour is relatively unknown, but will likely require rapid, broad-scale solutions to adapt fishing and management practises.

Recreational fishers, >5 million Australians (DAFF, 2009), are often the largest group impacted by fisheries policy (Li et al. 2010) and therefore instrumental to successful management (Granek et al. 2008). Recreational fishers have become increasingly engaged, from the grass roots to the political level, and will likely be alienated by rapidly applied, poorly consulted measures, delaying positive adaptation. Engaging fishers in the development of adaptation strategies, and policy decisions, is essential to ensuring timely and adequate response to the changes already occurring in the marine biota.

The project addresses priority questions 1, 6, 7 and 8 for the Commercial and Recreational Fishing sector within the NARP by determining sensitivity of target species to environmental change, and by engaging fishers in determining adaptation strategies. A number of research priorities identified by Recfishing Research (2008), particularly those relating to engagement, and understanding and adapting to impacts of climate change, are also addressed.

Spearfishers, as a well organised, discrete group of recreational fishers, are ideal to engage in developing adaptation options. Changes in the distributions of large rocky-reef fishes on Australia’s eastern seaboard will be assessed by examining datasets collected during spearfishing competitions held over the last four decades. A “process model” be developed for engagement of the representative group, it will also be assessed for its suitability for engagement with other recreational fishers.


1. Determine changes in distributions of rocky reef fish in eastern Australia over the past four decades, and establish correlation of these changes to climate induced environmental change (e.g. temperature).
2. Determine perceptions of the test group regarding climate-induced changes to fish distributions and abundance and identify adaptation options.
3. Develop and test a “process model” for engagement and development of climate change adaptation options suitable for deployment to other fishing sectors and user groups, including commercial fishers.
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