13 results

Seafood CRC: Extending biotoxin capability and research in Australia through development of an experimental biotoxin contamination facility to target industry relevant issues

A short-term experimental biotoxin contamination facility was set up at Roseworthy, South Australia, to examine the uptake and depuration of marine biotoxins from one of the most toxic dinoflagellates known, Alexandrium catenella. Over the period of one year, SARDI’s Seafood Food Safety group...
SARDI Food Safety and Innovation

Field trials to experimentally test if alternative sea lion excluder devices (SLEDs) adequately prevent Australian sea lions from entering rock lobster pots

Project number: 2016-055
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $89,482.00
Principal Investigator: Simon D. Goldsworthy
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 29 Jan 2017 - 24 Aug 2017


Industry have recently developed a number of alternative SLED designs, since the use of a “spike” SLED became mandatory in lobster pots fished in waters less than 100 m in the South Australian commercial Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery. The impetus for developing alternative SLED designs was to see if the practicability and operational safety of fishing lobster pots with SLEDs could be improved. A number of alternative SLEDs were trialled by industry over the 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 fishing seasons. Up to four of these alternative SLED designs have been put forward as practical alternatives to the “spike” SLED design.

These now require robust experimental testing to assess their effectiveness at preventing ASLs from entering lobster pots.


1. Undertake field trials to determine the relative effectiveness of up to four industry-developed alternative sea lion exclusion devices (SLEDs) at reducing the success of rock lobster pot-entry by a) juvenile and adult Australian sea lions (ASL), and b) 4-5 month old fur seal pups (as proxies for ASL pups). Both trials will compare the effectiveness of alternative industry-developed SLEDs to the current (mandatory) “spike” SLED and a control pot with no SLED.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-876007-00-3
Author: A.I. Mackay and S.D. Goldsworthy
Final Report • 2017-10-01 • 1.78 MB


This project tested the efficacy of two new sea lion excluder devices (SLEDs) in preventing entry of seals into southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) pots designed by fishers from the South Australian Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery (NZRLF). Since 1 November 2013, the use of a spike SLED has been mandatory in commercial lobster pots fished in waters less than 100 m in the NZRLF, and mandatory in recreational rock lobster pots fished in waters less than 100 m in the Northern Zone since 1 November 2014.

Seafood CRC: Understanding and reducing the risk of paralytic shellfish toxins in Southern Rock Lobster

This report details the results of a multifaceted a research program led by the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). The work was undertaken to assist the rock lobster industry to understand food safety risks from a toxin naturally accumulated in the lobster hepatopancreas....
SARDI Food Safety and Innovation

Seafood CRC: bioeconomic decision support tools for Southern Rock Lobster

Project number: 2009-714.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $187,116.95
Principal Investigator: Richard McGarvey
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2011 - 29 Jun 2013


The needs addressed by the project were identified and developed through the extensive consultation process. They were:

1. The collection of information on the economic performance of the fishery in each state and incorporation of this into the annual assessment process. The intent here was to better integrate economic and biological data into the decision making process for management.

2. Bioeconomic modelling capability is required by modifying the existing stock assessment model used across the fishery to incorporate economic data and an economic submodel to compute net economic return under different harvest strategies or management regimes. This economic analysis capability has been developed in Tasmania (and will be improved) but there is no capacity in the other two states. A bioeconomic model will provide the capacity for managers and industry to formally conduct cost-benefit analyses on decisions about future management of the fishery.

3. There needs to be effort put into exploring better management for the fisheries (using the bioeconomic model). This includes different TAC options, size limits, and seasons (ie harvest strategy evaluation, HSE). This requires industry and government steerage to propose new strategies and review model outputs. It also requires a shift in decision making where management tries to target the best economic outcome for industry rather than merely ensuring stock sustainability.

4. There needs to be testing of the pathway in making SRL fisheries more profitable. Steps 2 and 3 above can be used to define better management approaches but how would they be implemented? It's one thing to define a profit maximising TAC with a bioeconomic model, but would this system really work with year-to-year volatility in recruitment, prices and costs. (Formally, this means management strategy evaluation of economic control rules, which respond yearly to changing stock and economic indicators.)


1. Define baseline economic performance of participating Southern Rock Lobster fisheries
2. Produce bio-economic analysis tools for Southern Rock Lobster fisheries
3. Determine economically optimal management strategies using integrated stock and economic models, including seasonal, size and TAC combinations
4. Communicate management and harvest strategy opportunities identified in Objective 3

Final report

ISBN: 978-921563-63-8
Authors: Richard McGarvey André E. Punt Caleb Gardner John Feenstra Klaas Hartmann Eriko Hoshino Paul Burch Stacey Paterson Janet M. Matthews Adrian Linnane Lisa Rippin Julian Morison
Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Final Report • 2013-12-04 • 2.91 MB


The Southern Rocklobster fishery is the most developed of the fisheries included in this series of projects because sophisticated bioeconomic models and stock projection capacity had already been advanced through previous research. This research takes the process further to extend the modelling tools to other states and to examine the use of economic control rules. This means, for example, that it would be possible to evaluate how feasible it would be to target maximum economic yield in the face of price volatility. This level of bioeconomic analysis capability is only available elsewhere in Australia in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia's best example of the use of economic data for management to increase profits.

This project also aimed to produce bioeconomic analysis tools for Southern Rocklobster fisheries and determine management strategies using economic models. Economic data for Tasmania were collected, and a lobster fishery projection model was produced which permits the testing of a wide range of strategies, specifically to evaluate each strategy’s economic performance. Using this model, the profit expected under each strategy was estimated.While the analysis showed a small impact of opening the fishery for all 12 months, this analysis is only preliminary and is greatly limited by the lack of any data for winter fishing in South Australia since these two zones have been closed to winter fishing to date. The best policy was a yearly quota-setting harvest control rule designed to seek an approximately constant yearly harvest fraction (a constant exploitation rate). By setting the total allowable catch yearly to remove an approximately constant fraction of the available lobster biomass, three of four important management objectives were optimised.

Standardising data collection across the southern rock lobster fisheries of South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania

Project number: 2008-003
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $116,450.63
Principal Investigator: Adrian Linnane
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 14 Jul 2008 - 30 Aug 2009


The primary focus of this project is to address recommendations by the Department of Environment and Heritage (DEH) aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the management arrangements for the South Australian Rock Lobster Fishery (SARLF), namely:

"PIRSA to pursue complementary management arrangements with other Australian jurisdictions responsible for managing southern rock lobster fisheries to ensure that all removals and other relevant impacts on the stock are properly accounted for in stock assessments."

This project also reponds to demands for increased levels of accuracy, efficiency and timeliness brought about by new reporting relationships and the managements needs of the fisheries. e.g ecological assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999); Threatened, Endangered and Protected Species reporting; management of the resources on a finer spatial scale; industry and environmental programs (e.g. Clean green); and the conduct of common research across jurisdictions and associated sharing of data.


1. To address the recommendation provided to the fishery by DEH in relation to persuing complementary management arrangements with other Australian jurisdictions responsible for managing southern rock lobster fisheries
2. To provide a framework that aims to standardise the collection, storage and analyses of data across the major fishery jurisdictions
3. To provide a framework that aims to standardise fisheries model development across the major fishery jurisdictions
4. To review current biological and stock assessment data across States

Mitigating seal interactions in the SRLF and gillnet sector SESSF in South Australia

Project number: 2007-041
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $305,821.00
Principal Investigator: Simon D. Goldsworthy
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 30 Aug 2007 - 30 Jun 2009


South Australia contains 80% of the endemic Australian sea lion (ASL) population, where substantial fishing effort in the gillnet sector SESSF (~20,000 km net-lifts/year) and SA RLF (~1.5 million pot-lifts/year) increase the risk of fatal interactions.

A recent risk assessment (FRDC 2005/077) identified that subpopulations of ASL are highly vulnerable to even low-level bycatch from fisheries, with >40% of subpopulations at risk of extinction from as little as 1-2 additional female deaths/year over a 20-25 year period. The risk assessment identified that the current high proportion of depleted subpopulations of the species may be entirely due to sustained low-level bycatch by commercial fisheries.

ASL are listed as a threatened species under the Commonwealth EPBC Act, and a recovery plan has identified bycatch from bottom-set gillnet and rock lobster fisheries as the most significant anthropogenic contributor to the species’ lack of recovery. As such the development of measures to mitigate interactions with sea lions forms the most pressing ESD issues for these fisheries.

ESD assessments of both the gillnet sector of the SESSF and SARLF fisheries have identified interactions with seals as a significant issue. These assessments make at least seven recommendations to address protected species interactions (including seals), but little if any progress has been made to address these to date.

In order to have southern rock lobster taken from South Australian waters placed on the list of exempt native specimens for export under Part 13 and 13(A) of the EPBC Act, there is an imperative to address these ESD recommendations, as failure to do so may jeopardise current and future export exemptions.


1. Develop and assess methods for mitigating sea lion interactions with southern rock lobster pots
2. Develop spatial management options for reducing bycatch to high-risk sea lion subpopulations in the gillnet SESSF, and make recommendation on spatial management options to Shark RAG
3. Assess the significance of ASL bycatch in the high-risk regions of the gillnet SESSF to provide support for spatial management options developed in objective 2
4. Develop performance indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the different mitigation options developed for each fishery

Final report

ISBN: 9.78E+12
Author: Simon Goldsworthy

Assessment of the implications of interactions between fur seals and sea lions and the southern rock lobster and gillnet sector of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) in South Australia

Project number: 2005-077
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $19,999.00
Principal Investigator: Simon D. Goldsworthy
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2005 - 7 Sep 2007


Provisions of the Commonwealth Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Act, requiring strategic assessment of fisheries against the principles of ESD including the need to monitor, assess and, if necessary, mitigate the interactions of fisheries with protected species (Fletcher et al. 2002).

In both the SA rock lobster and southern shark fisheries, there are considerable, policy and research requirements relating to fishery interactions with fur seals and sea lions that need to be undertaken within the next 2-3 years in order to fulfil recommendations detailed in recent Bycatch Action Plans and ESD Assessments (detailed in B2).

The National Seal Action Plan requires the estimation of sea lion and fur seal bycatch in gillnet, trawl, trap, dropline and longline fisheries and quantification of interactions with fishing equipment.

Assessment for the need for fishery closures to protect sea lions in the Great Australian Bight Marine Park.

Pinnipeds are listed as protected species under the Commonwealth Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Act, and are known to interact with lobster and gillnet fisheries.

Methods for assessing, monitoring and mitigating the interactions of pinnipeds with lobster and gillnet fisheries are needed urgently.

This need is greatest in South Australia, where:
1. the majority of populations of Australian sea lions occur, and where declining populations have been identified, and where
2. Australia’s largest populations of New Zealand fur seals occur, and where
3. a valuable ($80 M) fishery for southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) is located, and
4. where unquantified interactions between pinnipeds and the lobster and southern shark fisheries are known to occur.

The need to assess the interaction of the Australian sea lion with the South Australian lobster and southern shark fishery is particularly pressing, because the Australian sea lion:
(1) is Australia’s only endemic pinniped;
(2) may be more vulnerable to fishery-induced mortality than other species;
(3) is mainly confined to South Australia, with ~80% of pup production occurring in this state; and
(4) has recently been listed as Threatened (Vulnerable Category)under Commonwealth EPBC Act legislation.

Fletcher, W. J., Chesson, J., Sainsbury, K. J., Hundloe, T., Smith, A. D. M., and Whitworth, B. (2002). National ESD reporting Framework for Australian Fisheries: The “How to Guide for Wild Capture Fisheries” FRDC report 2000/145, Canberra, Australia.


1. Synthesise and review the PIRSA and AFMA fishery logbooks for the SA Rock Lobster and Commonwealth shark fisheries for reportings of interactions with seals.
2. Undertake a desktop risk assessment of seal-fishery interactions in the SA Rock lobster and Commonwealth shark fisheries, based on distribution of catch and effort in proximity to seal populations.
3. Review the managment responses related to the extent of protected species interactions with similar species and fisheries on a global scale.
4. Develop a proposal for a comprehensive study to assess the level and nature of interactions between seals and the SA Rock Lobster and Commonwealth shark fisheries, including the development of guidelines for measuring the performance of systems for monitoring, assessing and mitigating interactions between the fisheries and seals.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-7308-5372-5
Author: Simon Goldsworthy
Final Report • 2008-04-14 • 3.46 MB


This report provides the most comprehensive appraisal of the risk posed by bycatch to subpopulations of Australian sea lions and New Zealand fur seals, by the SA rock lobster and gillnet sector SESSF fisheries. Further it has identified the research required to ensure that SA rock lobster and the gillnet sector SESSF fisheries are managed according to ESD principles, and that interactions with seals are measured, assessed and mitigated. Adoption of these recommendations will lead to the development, and adoption by industry and management of mitigation options to reduce seal bycatch. This will ensure that outstanding ESD recommendations detailed in fishery ESD assessments and the mitigation of the key threatening process identified in the Australian sea lion Draft Recovery Plan are addressed, leading to the recovery and potential future delisting of the species. 

Keywords: SA rock lobster fishery (SARLF), gillnet sector of the South Eastern Scalefish and Shark fishery (SESSF), Australian sea lion (ASL), New Zealand fur seal (NZFS), bycatch

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