Project number:
Project Status:
Budget expenditure:
Principal Investigator:
Mike Read
Read Sturgess and Associates Pty Ltd
Project start/end date:
28 Jun 1996
31 Jul 1996
1. To provide baseline economic data to describe the present industry structure.
2. To examine the implications of a range of options for reducing fishing levels.
3. To recommend preferred options for reducing fleet capacity from the viewpoint of the Industry as well as from the viewpoint of economic efficiency.
Final report
Mike Read and Neil Sturgess
Final Report
2.89 MB
This study was requested by lobster fishermen in Victoria. Lobster fishermen wanted the Study because the manager of the fishery, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Victoria (DCNR), is proposing a reduction in fishing effort for the fishery.
The industry recognises the need to reduce fishing levels, but there are many ways in which this could be done and the industry requires advice about the pros and cons of each option from economic and financial viewpoints.