Project number: 1997-300
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $25,928.55
Principal Investigator: Francene Brown
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 22 Jan 1997 - 1 Jan 1998


Initally 1000 copies of the Australian Seafood Catering Manual were printed as a two volume set, these sold out within the first 12 months. Subsequently QDPI funded a reprint of Volume 1 of the manual. Volume 2 is now out of print.

There is now a need for research to identify the market requirements for the future development of the Australian Seafood Catering Manual.

The ASCM is the only handbook for the seafood industry designed to be used on the job, that comprehensively collates practical seafood information on the, buying , storage, quality, cooking, species identification and characteristics of Australian seafood. Lack of such information in the market place has often led to:
- The reluctance of the food service and retail industries to use some seafood
- The under utilisation of species, as users are not informed on cooking and handling
methods of alternative species available at different times of the year.

Agribusiness Marketing Services receives many enquires from customers such as those involved in the food service and food retail sectors and from seafood exporters and overseas importers, wishing to purchase either or both Volume 1 and 2 of the Australian Seafood Catering Manual. Many customers express concern at the lack of availability of Volume 2.

Although it is believed that a need for this product exists in the market place detailed market research is required to determine how the needs of all target markets can best be met.

In addition there is a need to develop a business plan, incorporating a marketing plan, which will identify the process for preparation and promotion of anyfuture edition of the Seafood Catering Manual.


1. To determine the overall physical design and contents for a revised edition of the Australian Seafood Catering Manual.
2. To devise a business plan and a marketing plan for this revised edition of the Australian Seafood Catering Manual incorporating relevant by-products.

Final report

Author: Francene Brown
Final Report • 2017-09-29 • 2.50 MB


This report aims to identify the market requirements for the future development of the Australian Seafood Catering Manual. Although the manual generated extremely positive feedback from industry, only a small proportion of the potential target market was tapped.

Consumer research has been conducted by QDPI to determine how the manual could be revised to better meet the needs of the market. Interviews were conducted with current and potential users of the manual across Australia.

On the basis of the research findings it is proposed that the manual be substantially revised and updated, and published in one volume as the Australian Seafood manual. It would also be produced as a CD-ROM, primarily to satisfy the low cost requirements of the TAFE and training market.

This report has been prepared to identify procedures for producing a revised edition of the Australian Seafood Catering Manual that meets the needs of the marketplace. It is anticipated that there will be a second stage with the long term objective being to produce a revised edition of the Australian Seafood Catering Manual.

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