Project number: 1997-415
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Dean Bottrill
Organisation: Grandax Crab Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 4 May 1998 - 30 Jun 1999


1. Establish a commercial crab canning line using machine picked crab meat (with 2 to 8 being sub ojectives)
2. Establish procedures for mechanical picking and handling of crab meat.
3. Set and establish procedures and registration for crab meat canning.
4. Prepare HACCP procedures and registrations as required for an export canned crab meat line.
5. Prepare thermal process registration for export canned crab meat and achieve thermal process registration as required.
6. Train and register staff, where required, in procedures for crab canning.
7. Complete testing of line mechanics after set up.
8. Complete testing of production line and ensure production procedures conform to appropriate quality assurance procedures.
9. Investigate markets for canned blue swimmer crab meat (with 10 to 13 being sub objectives)
10. Investigate and establish the markets providing the canned crab meat price necessary to ensure the viability of the project. Obtain samples of canned crab meat from those markets to assess their requirements regarding drained weights, packing methods, meat piece size, flavour, label requirements etc.
11. Prepare laboratory samples of canned crab meat using different formulations (salt, etc) for the specified markets to determine the specific market requirements.
12. Develop the information required on the label in the target markets eg. Nutritional panel information, etc.
13. Submit samples to the proposed markets to assess the preferred formulations and the acceptance of the proposed label information.
14. Assess market response to laboratory samples and prepare commercial samples of canned blue swimmer crab meat to prove production procedures and complete staff training and for cans for distribution in the market place.

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