Project number: 1999-375.90
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $3,663.00
Principal Investigator: Garth Newman
Organisation: Garth Newman
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2000 - 20 Jun 2001


Presentations to the Fourth FRAB National Workshop indicated an increased level of sophistication in many FRAB decision-making processes. There has been a proliferation of criteria for project selection, increased emphasis on strategic plans and varying mechanisms for ensuring user group support. There are also varying degrees of integration of the FRAB process within State and Commonwealth fisheries management and research systems and important unresolved questions related to the interaction between FRABs and Subprograms. The progressive improvement in the general quality of projects from a wide spectrum of fund-seekers has also increased the need for a more rigorous evaluation process by FRABs.

There is thus the need for a review to provide a draft discussion paper for the Fifth National Workshop which:

- documents the various FRAB and Subprogram operations and provides a synthesis of the different arrangements,

- identifies the best practices by the FRABs,

- provides suggestions for improving the FRAB and Subprogram process and,

- provides useful guidelines for consideration by FRABs at the Workshop.

Effectively this would be a timely review of the FRAB system after a period of considerable individual change and development. Without exception there is agreement by all FRAB Chairpersons that such a review is required at the present time to further improve and make more cohesive a system which is of fundamental importance to the decision-making of the FRDC.


1. Document the current FRDC, FRAB and Subprogram arrangements.
2. Define, collate and analyse the current benefits and problems identified by FRDC, FRABs and Subprograms and establish common factors, both benefits and problems, which can addressed generically
3. Assess the role FRABs and Subprograms should play in determining strategies for research, especially as these relate to FRDC five-year plans and plans established by Industry, Management Agencies and Research Providers.
4. Provide an analysis to the Fifth National Workshop of the problems, benefits and issues associated with current FRAB arrangements to facilitate discussion of and to provide guidance for improving FRAB and Subprogram functions and administration.

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