The WA Fishing Industry Council has supervised OH&S projects that are considered to be vital to the continued successful development of the State’s aquatic resources. The projects have been successful in demonstrating that the broader fishing industry needs a continuing process of improvement. The projects have also demonstrated that the industry can take the lead in OH&S issues, putting it in advance of legislative requirements. Other States have expressed the strong desire to emulate the success of WA, until such time as their relevant sectors of the industry take over the responsibility. There is a pressing need for each jurisdiction to evaluate and adopt OH&S Codes of Practice, and the most efficient manner for this to be done is via the adaptation of the WA OH&S codes.
WAFIC is required to review existing sections of the WA Code to ensure compliance with legislative requirments.
Final report
All states have an OHS Code, which contains three parts. Part 1 addresses the legal requirements of workplace and marine safety legislation. Part 2 addresses generic OHS requirements across all fisheries. Part 3 outlines the basis for a vessel safety management plan. Workshops outlining the OHS Code have been held in some states and fisheries. State AGM‟s and industry meeting shave been attended to explain the project and the benefits to industry.