Project number: 2016-135
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $18,000.00
Principal Investigator: Tony D. Smith
Organisation: Tony Smith Consulting
Project start/end date: 19 Mar 2017 - 14 May 2017


The FRDC National Priority 1 targets include two elements relevant to the undefined category. The first is to increase the number of species covered in SAFS to 200 by 2020. The second is to reduce the percentage of species (stocks?) classified as undefined to less than 10% by 2020. Given that a greater proportion of the additional species to be introduced are likely to be data-limited, since major stocks by value are already included in SAFS, meeting these two targets simultaneously by 2020 poses some challenges.
While the longer-term need is to be able to accurately assess the status of more stocks, the shorter-term need is to gain a better understanding of why the 49 stocks classed as undefined in SAFS 2016 could not be assigned a status category. Preliminary examination of the reports for these 49 stocks suggests that there are several different reasons for their undefined classification. There is a need to better understand these reasons, divide them into categories, and assign the current 49 stocks to these categories. There is also a need to provide clearer guidance to SAFS authors about use of the undefined classification.


1. Develop and assign categories for the "undefined" classification in SAFS
2. Provide improved description of and guidance for the "undefined" classification in SAFS
3. Review how 'Negligible' catch is addressed in SAFS and provide clear description and guidance

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-0846-0
Author: Anthony Smith
Final Report • 2017-05-26 • 350.86 KB


The Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) reports are relatively new reports which, for the first time in Australian fisheries management, brings together the best available biological, catch and effort information to determine the status of Australia’s wild catch fish stocks against a nationally agreed reporting framework

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