Project number: 2022-208
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $2,902,500.00
Principal Investigator: Lindsay Hermes
Organisation: Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance
Project start/end date: 30 Aug 2023 - 3 Apr 2025


This project provides the resources for ASSA to lead the NHN Program to help grow the Australian seaweed industry over the next 2 years (until 31 March 2025) which is the stipulated grant duration.

The FRDC project will provide the funding for ASSA to engage key program and technical capability to manage and deliver the activities required to conduct the following key activities:
- Finalise assessment of research partners and inform development of contracts between FRDC and research partners
- establish people and technical R&D capability relating to seaweed, especially Asparagopsis
- conduct due diligence and develop agreements with intellectual property holders of existing Asparagopsis hatchery techniques
- further develop hatchery and breeding techniques and technology
- production of hatchery protocols and manuals
- training and knowledge sharing activities
- undertake necessary governance, finance, HR, communications and stakeholder engagement activities associated with the national hatchery network


1. Develop NHN Program Leadership and establish people and technical R&D capability relating to seaweed, especially Asparagopsis
2. Define scope of projects (including assessment of IP and negotiation on any licensing requirements).
3. Project manage the R&D work at the research hubs to produce hatchery protocols and manuals and further develop hatchery and breeding techniques and technologies.
4. Undertake training and knowledge sharing activities (extension).
5. Undertake necessary finance, HR, communications and stakeholder engagement activities associated with the national hatchery network.
6. Provide milestone reporting of technical and financial progress to FRDC against plans, identifying achievements and challenges, and budgets.

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Australian Seaweed ED: on-line portal containing material that can be used by educators, the industry and media to increase awareness and enhance industry’s social license to develop and operate Australian seaweed aquaculture

1. Develop an online updatable portal that provides information and resources for educators, industry practitioners, and media, promoting informed discussion and engagement with the Australian seaweed farming sector.
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