Project number: 2023-196
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $104,000.00
Principal Investigator: Joanne Freeman
Organisation: Honey and Fox Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2024 - 27 Feb 2025


Education and community understanding are pivotal in cultivating a thriving seaweed industry. The portal will serve as a knowledge hub, offering comprehensive resources for educators, media, and the public, promoting informed discussion and enhance industry’s social licence to develop and operate . The aim is to elevate public understanding and acceptance of seaweed aquaculture, addressing misconceptions and highlighting the environmental and economic benefits of the industry.

The portal will have two sections one for educational resources one for regulatory and the permitting process (see Project 2023/194) and housing it under one “digital roof”. This One-Stop-Shop will ensure a focus on the individual portals while achieving additional benefits, including reducing redundancy and optimising resource use, simplifying user access and navigation and supporting the industry's operational needs while promoting awareness and understanding, strengthening social and regulatory standing.


1. Develop an online updatable portal that provides information and resources for educators, industry practitioners, and media, promoting informed discussion and engagement with the Australian seaweed farming sector.

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