18 results

Tactical Research Fund: spreading the risk: management strategies for multi-method inshore fisheries in a changing climate

Project number: 2009-053
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $14,900.00
Principal Investigator: James Scandol
Organisation: UNSW Sydney
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2009 - 29 Nov 2010


The NSW Department of Primary Industries continues to work with the NSW commercial fishing industry to investigate structural changes to the management of commercial fisheries which will lead to improvements in efficiency and profitability. One issue that requires consideration in these deliberations is the highly variable inshore-offshore production that is linked with rainfall in coastal NSW. Such changes are exacerbated during periods of drought or flood and result in significant shifts in the behaviour of fishers. It is expected that such variations in rainfall will continue, and are likely to become more extreme, under projected climate change scenarios.

This project will examine the NSW commercial catch records and ascertain if there are patterns of endorsement holdings that are the basis of more robust fishing businesses during periods of drought or flood. We expect that many fishers will understand these patterns based upon extensive practical experience, but an empirical confirmation of such patterns will lend additional weight to any associated decisions by government and industry.

This project will also shed light upon an important facet of risk management in fisheries. The textbook economic argument that increased specialisation results in increased efficiency must be contrasted with potential lost opportunities for fisheries production in a highly variable environment. The adage "don't put all your eggs in one basket" is likely to be highly applicable for inshore and coastal fisheries in NSW. Increased specialisation will likely be associated with costs as well as benefits.


1. Identify the patterns of fishing endorsements that will make NSW fishing businesses more robust to the likely changes in freshwater flow that will result from climate change.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-7334-2942-2
Author: James Scandol

Identification of environmental factors, with particular reference to acid sulfate soil runoff, causing production losses in Sydney rock oysters

The study has confirmed that estuarine acidification, associated with drainage of acid sulfate soils, reduces growth rates and survival in Sydney rock oysters leading to significant production losses. The work has also demonstrated that acidification is not a factor in outbreaks of QX disease. The...
UNSW Sydney

Depuration of the Sydney rock oyster with particular reference to Vibrio vulnificus

Project number: 1991-075
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $24,589.83
Principal Investigator: Kenneth A. Buckle
Organisation: UNSW Sydney
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1992 - 21 Feb 1995


1. Optimise identification & enumeration of Vibrio vulnificus & other marine vibrios & microbiological contaminants of major oyster-growing areas in NSW.
2. Assess the incidence of V vulnificus and other marine Vobrios and traditional microbioliological contaminants (faecal coliforms, E. Coli) in the marine environment of major oyster growing areas in NSW
3. Determine rate & extent of accumulation in & removal of Vv from Sydney rock oyster in lab & commonwealth depuration

Genetic study of ocean jacket populations - Pilot study

Project number: 1991-026
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $14,113.00
Principal Investigator: Patricia Dixon
Organisation: UNSW Sydney
Project start/end date: 31 Jul 1991 - 30 Dec 1992


1. To investigate the isozyme genetics of the ocean jacket Nelusetta ayraudi.

Final report

Author: P.I. Dixon
Final Report • 1995-05-09 • 669.68 KB


Ocean jackets (Nelusetta ayraudi) are distributed from North West Cape (W.A.) through southern coastal waters to the south of Queensland. They have not been recorded from Tasmanian waters. Seawards their distribution ranges from coastal embayments where juveniles school seasonally to waters just off the edge of the continental shelf (Hutchins and Thompson, 1983). They mainly inhabit the mid­water bottom habitat over either sandy bottom (S.A.) or reef areas (N.S.W.). There are indications from studies in South Australia that ocean jackets may leave the continental shelf to spawn in offshore waters (Grove-Jones and Burnell, 1991 ).

In the 1940s and 50's there was an intensive trap fishery in N.S.W. This fishery suffered a dramatic decline and was subsequently replaced by a snapper trap fishery in the same area. Some ocean jackets are still taken in N.S.W. but the catch, which is probably less that 100 tonnes p.a., is difficult to estimate because most of it is sold to local markets.

More recently a commercial trap fishery developed in South Australia. The catch rose rapidly to almost 900 tonnes in 1988/89 (Anon., 1989). Since then the catch has levelled out but ocean jackets remain one of the largest marine scale fisheries (by weight) in South Australia.

Given the rapid success of the ocean jacket fishery in South Australia and the good eating qualities of the flesh, expansion of the fishery into other areas is a possibility. The past dramatic collapse of the N.S.W. fishery, the recent flattening off of the catch in South Australia and the suggested cohesion of the schools (Grove-Jones and Burnell, 1990) raise questions about the genetic stock structure of the ocean jacket population(s) in Australia.

This study examines the genetics of N. ayraudi as revealed by isozyme analysis. It investigates the feasibility of carrying out a full scale project aimed at determining whether the ocean jackets in Australian waters belong to one large interbreeding population or whether two or more discrete genetic stocks exist. This information is crucial to biologically appropriate management of the species.

Population genetics and its application to fishery management and aquaculture

Project number: 1989-114
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $40,000.00
Organisation: UNSW Sydney
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1990 - 31 Dec 1991


1. Organise conference/workshop on population genetics and its applications to fishery management, aquaculture and the conservation of resources by bringing together geneticists, fisheries biologists and managers

Stock identification and discrimination of pilchards in Australian waters using genetic criteria

Project number: 1989-025
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $174,520.00
Principal Investigator: Patricia Dixon
Organisation: UNSW Sydney
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1990 - 30 Apr 1993


1. Investigate genetic structure of pilchard populations to determine whether pilchards in Aust waters belong to one large inter-breeding population or two or more discrete stocks
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