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Advance-In-Seafood Leadership Program

Project number: 2004-300
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $132,000.00
Principal Investigator: Cheryl Phillips
Organisation: Changing Industries
Project start/end date: 30 Dec 2004 - 30 Jun 2008


The success of the inaugural Strategic Leadership Development Program has lead to growth in support from among industry members. The expansion of the State-based Personal Development / Leadership Program, from its origins in South Australia to other states, is also increasing the number of industry members who have a grounding in this area and who are looking for further training and development opportunities. This has resulted in demand for further National courses to be run each year commencing in 2002.
One component of project 2000/307 was to develop a budget for delivery of the program. The result of this process was identification of a budget of approximately $7,400 per participant in the program (see attached). In many instances this would be prohibitive for either industry or individuals and would restrict the type of applicants and participants attracted to the program.
State FarmBis programs offer some level of support to fishing and aquaculture practitioners however each state has a different level of support and people in other sections of the industry (other than practitioners) are ineligible for funding. There is, therefore, a need for some subsidy, or scholarship program, to be offered to industry participants to ensure representation from throughout the market chain and all industry sectors.


1. Provide scholarships for industry members to participate in the National Seafood Industry Strategic Leadership Development Program.
2. Ensure a broad cross section of industry representation in future National Seafood Industry Strategic Leadership Development Programs.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-49053-3
Author: Cheryl Phillips
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