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Know & Show your Carbon Footprint - Discovery Phase

Project number: 2022-105
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $35,000.00
Principal Investigator: Sarah Castellanos
Organisation: Agricultural Innovation Australia Ltd (AIA)
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2022 - 31 Jul 2023


This project will be an initial discovery phase to inform scoping of overall approach.

Deliverables include:
Consultation across fishing and aquaculture stakeholders at least 38 key fishing and aquaculture stakeholders.
• Identification of the functional and non-functional requirements to create K&S functionality for the included sectors.
• Identification of the data and modelling requirements to create K&S module/functionality for the included sectors.
• Assessment of any current solutions/calculators provided relative to the market requirement.
• Evaluate current reference and benchmarking data versus what is required to support accurate, automated carbon accounting, and, ultimately inform decision-making that enables productivity whilst reducing carbon emissions.
• Understand the gap between knowing your carbon footprint and being able to make informed decisions that lead to reductions in emissions.
• Identification of the data and modelling requirements to create a module and/or functionality for the included sectors.
• Identification of the missing calculators, features, functionality and underlying data and research required to enable all sectors to participate and benefit from the platform.
• Documented solution design for creation of functionality identified during discovery for addition to the core infrastructure.
• Report detailing the results of the carbon footprint calculation drivers / needs / existing knowledge, tools & data, gap analysis, and solution design. This will inform the Contributor and AIA in respect of further investment in the K&S solution.


1. Complete discovery phase to inform scoping of 'Know & Show', for consideration
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