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Aquaculture chemical registration

Australian governments and agri-food industries are placing greater emphasis on marketing Australia as a supplier of high quality fresh produce. It is important that these “clean food” activities are underpinned by appropriate mechanisms that ensure the integrity of Australian product....
Aquaculture Development and Veterinary Services Pty Ltd

Report on options for reducing the dependancy of the Australian aquaculture industry, ornamental fish industry, commercial and recreational fishing industry and stockfeed industry on imported aquatic imports

Project number: 1995-176
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $9,440.00
Principal Investigator: Steve B. Percival
Organisation: Aquaculture Development and Veterinary Services Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 20 Jan 1996 - 30 Sep 2000


1. Identify the specific sectors of the aquaculture industry, ornamental fish industry, commercial and recreational fisheries and stockfeed industries which utilise imported aquatic products and identify the particular products involved.
2. Determine the extent of reliance by the above industry sectors on imported aquatic products.
3. Identify options for reducing the dependance of the above industry sectors on imported aquatic imported.

Final report

Author: Dr. Steve Percival
Final Report • 2000-05-04 • 1.57 MB


In 1995 a National Task Force on Imported Fish and Fish Products was set up by the then Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, Senator Bob Collins and the Minister for Resources, David Bedall. This was in response to a number of events which had raised concern within Australia regarding the potential for imported aquatic products to introduce exotic pathogens and pest species into Australian waters. The Task Force was comprised of a broad range of representatives from key Cornrnowealth agencies, State agencies, research organisations, industry, recreational and environmental groups. The role of the Task Force was to address all relevant matters relating to the use of imported aquatic animals and their products, including fish health and quality, socioeconomic, industry and environmental aspects in order to develop a policy framework and nationally agreed mechanisms for the importation and handling of aquatic imports. The Task Force was also to address all relevant aspects of the ''Report of the Scientific Working Party on Aquatic Animal Quarantine" (BRS Report).

The Task Force established a Working Group to provide analysis and prepare reports on specific subjects for the main Task Force and reported jointly to the Ministerial Council for Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture (MCFFA) and the Agricultural and Resources Ministerial Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARMCANZ) in December 1996.

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