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Seafood CRC: ACA market intelligence study tour to Beijing, China - combination industry bursary, research travel grant and student internship

Project number: 2010-760
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $10,575.45
Principal Investigator: Joanne Freeman
Organisation: University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)
Project start/end date: 26 Jul 2010 - 30 Dec 2010


China is a significant market for ACA members and one where significant investment is already directed. China is a rapidly growing and rapidly changing market providing many challenges to ACA members wishing to develop sustainable business relationships as traditional supply chains to China are changing providing opportunities for Australian abalone product to enter Beijing direct being positioned as a premium quality product.

Consequently there is a need to develop both a research capacity and an industry skill base to enable the rapidly emerging opportunities for ACA exports to China. This project proposes a China research field trip involving 5 research students, 1 industry representative, 1 research internship student who is already working collaboratively with ACA focusing on a specific market sector for ACA in Beijing and the research Leader Dr Joanne Freeman. The market research field trip will be complemented by a formal education framework to enable both a commercial and academic perspective to be taken. The team as a whole whould gain a greater awareness of the role and significance of the Chinese seafood industry and how this awareness relates to opportunities for ACA members.

The market research field trip will provide industry participants and research students with the ability to compare and contrast markets (Australia and China) and to prepare actionable interpretive reports based on research findings. Furthermore, industry and students will attain an appreciation of a foreign culture as well as an awareness of cross cultural influences on business relevant to the Australian seafood industry.

This project also provides the opportunity for students to link with industry as a way of creating more "industry-ready" graduates.


1. To develop robust actionable China market intelligence reports for ACA members
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