18 results

Validation and implementation of rapid test kits for detection of OsHV-1

Following the outbreak of Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS) in the Port River, South Australia in summer 2017-18, a need was identified for rapid diagnostic technology for OsHV-1, the causative agent of POMS. During the February 2016 OsHV-1 outbreak in Tasmania, tracing activities in...
SARDI Food Safety and Innovation

Seafood CRC: Extending biotoxin capability and research in Australia through development of an experimental biotoxin contamination facility to target industry relevant issues

A short-term experimental biotoxin contamination facility was set up at Roseworthy, South Australia, to examine the uptake and depuration of marine biotoxins from one of the most toxic dinoflagellates known, Alexandrium catenella. Over the period of one year, SARDI’s Seafood Food Safety group...
SARDI Food Safety and Innovation

Future oysters CRC-P: Species diversification to provide alternatives for commercial production

Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS), the disease caused by OsHV-1 microvariant, results in high and rapid mortality in Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and has been responsible for significant economic loss to oyster industries in Australia and around the world. The diversification of...
SARDI Food Safety and Innovation

Future Oysters CRC-P: Advanced aquatic disease surveillance for known and undefined oyster pathogens

This project improved understanding of methods for surveillance for several diseases of farmed oysters. Surveillance is a critical component of biosecurity and aquatic animal health activities. Surveillance supports understanding health status of populations of animals, provides evidence...
SARDI Food Safety and Innovation

Oysters Australia IPA -workshop – identifying knowledge gaps for development of the native oyster aquaculture industry in South Australia

Project number: 2015-229
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $19,074.00
Principal Investigator: Xiaoxu Li
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2015 - 29 Jun 2016


The establishment of a new native oyster aquaculture sector in SA will not only diversify the business risk of the existing Pacific oyster sector, but has the potential to become a multi-million dollar industry itself. As native oyster is an ideal alternative species to mitigate POMS, the successful development of this aquaculture sector will strengthen the confidence of existing/new growers and investors in both Pacific and native oysters; thereby encouraging further expansion of the industry. In addition, supporting species diversification is one of the high strategic priorities in the Oysters Australia Strategic Plan 2014-2019.


1. To identify knowledge gaps for development of the native oyster aquaculture industry in Australia
2. To provide advice on the key research and development requirements to support the native oyster aquaculture development in South Australia

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-921563-95-9
Author: Xiaoxu Li and Penny Miller-Ezzy
Final Report • 2017-05-01 • 6.68 MB


The 2015-229 “Oysters Australia IPA - workshop - identifying knowledge gaps for development of the native oyster aquaculture industry in South Australia” brought together oyster farmers, hatchery operators and scientists from across Australia to share their knowledge and experience with native oyster (Ostrea angasi) aquaculture and help to identify the key knowledge gaps in the production chain. Through presentations and group discussions, a number of research and development needs were identified. These were categorised into seven key areas: early life history/genetic improvement, farming, oyster health, post-harvest, marketing and branding, industry network and training and education. Across these categories, 19 key research and development needs were identified and prioritised via a post-workshop survey. The following four research and development needs were prioritised as being most important

  • Having a constant and reliable spat supply.
  • Development of a selective breeding program to improve Bonamia resistance, growth rate, meat/shell ratio, colour, lustre, etc.

  • Establishment of good husbandry practices (e.g. handling, density, growing heights, sub-tidal vs. intertidal, seasonal effects, a system to suit O. angasi production).

  • Increase the shelf life/improve packaging/develop processing methods.

 Identifying these needs will help to target future research to meet industry priorities and establish/develop the South Australian/Australian native oyster industry.

 Keywords: Native oysters; Ostrea angasi; Australia; aquaculture

Assessing occurrence of pathogenic species of the marine bacteria Vibrio in Tasmanian oysters from St Helens

Project number: 2015-042
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $29,520.38
Principal Investigator: Tom Madigan
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 29 Feb 2016 - 29 Jun 2016


This is the first time that an illness associated with Vibrio has been traced-back to Tasmanian oysters. Regrettably, this incident occurred in the only major harvesting area in Tasmania that has not been impacted by the current Pacific oyster mortality event.

In Australia the control of Vibrio is currently limited to temperature controls during storage or transport. Pre-harvest controls used by the shellfish quality assurance programs are predicated on controlling risk posed by faecal contamination and biotoxins and are not suitable for controlling risk from these naturally occurring bacteria. Although the recent implementation of the Codex Standard for pathogenic marine vibrios suggests risk in bivalve growing areas should be assessed to ascertain the risk to public health, there has been limited research undertaken in Australia. The studies undertaken to date have generally been short in nature with no comprehensive longitudinal studies being undertaken and methodologies have now progressed significantly, whereas New Zealand has been undertaking a long-term survey to understand the risk posed by these pathogens (Cruz, Hedderley & Fletcher 2015). This issue may become a risk in accessing key markets that are active in monitoring or who regulate for these pathogens.

There is an immediate need to collect information on prevalence for the remainder of the summer period to understand the risk and evaluate if there is a relationship to salinity, temperature and toxic strains. This information will be immediately useful for developing appropriate management plans in this growing region.

This illness outbreak will likely result in Tasmanian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program and the other state programs having to consider how to manage risk in the growing areas and establish what is an acceptable level. The work proposed here could be used as a framework for future work that assesses risk across the bivalve industry Australia-wide.


1. Assess for the prevalence of pathogenic Vibrio species in the St Helens harvesting region
2. Assess for the presence of genes associated with virulence in Vibrio parahaemolyticus
3. Evaluate if a relationship exisits that between prevalance and sea water temperature and salinity

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-921563-92-8
Authors: Tom Madigan Kate Wilson Gayle Smith and Alison Turnbull

Oysters Australia IPA: the use of FRNA bacteriophages for rapid re-opening of growing areas after sewage spills

The South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) Food Safety and Innovation (FSI) group with the support of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC), TasWater, Central Coast Council, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, Shoalhaven Council, New South Wales Food Authority...
SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
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