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Australian Mussel Association - formation and levy setup

Project number: 2008-224
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $61,446.00
Principal Investigator: Ewan A. Colquhoun
Organisation: Ridge Partners
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2008 - 29 Jun 2009


Aquaculturists, fishers and seafood producers must be increasingly sophisticated to secure and manage their access rights to natural resources, positively respond to community interest in their activities, and viably compete in domestic and overseas markets. As a small emerging sector mussel growers currently have no aggregate capacity to address these risks relevant to their industry. Resolution of these challenges is increasingly beyond the scope of any single mussel enterprise or regional / state based group of interests.

A national industry body is a critical first step to promote effective industry and stakeholder communication, enable representation of grower and stakeholder views, develop knowledge and strategic direction and related action plans, enable cost effective investment in and management of reserch and development funds, and facilitate industry's growth. As an emerging sector, the mussel industry currently has no formal plans or development strategies.

Emerging sectors also suffer from lack of funds to grow their businesses and conduct critical research that will deliver market competitive advantages. They also need to overcome the market failure that accompanies early stage investment in shared research outcomes. By working with groups of national producers, the FRDC can provide and / or facilitate very cost effective pools of R&D funding, and a secure and pragmatic platform for industry members to jointly invest in, manage, and share the benefits of critical R&D.


1. Establish a national mussel industry body
2. Establish a cost effective R&D investment platform