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Opportunities and constraints on Australian wild fishing and aquaculture under a carbon economy

Project number: 2011-246
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $70,000.00
Principal Investigator: Mick Keogh
Organisation: Australian Farm Institute (AFI)
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2011 - 29 Apr 2012


The Australian Government has announced it's intention to legislate to impose a cost on greenhouse emissions from 1 July 2012, and has also legislated the Carbon Farming Initiative, which provides opportunities for enterprises that are able to implement projects that reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases (either through sequestration or mitigation) to generate revenue. Imposing a cost on greenhouse emissions will increase the cost of energy in the economy, and have an impact on the profitability of primary industry enterprises (such as fishing and aquaculture) that face international competition and are therefore unable to increase prices to offset additional costs. The proposed project involves financial modelling to better understand the impact of climate change policy on fishing and aquaculture businesses and related supply chain participants, and also an exploration of options that might be available to reduce the negative impact, or to generate revenue from projects that reduce greenhouse emissions.


1. To utilise case studies to project the financial implications of Australian greenhouse emission policies on businesses involved in the fishing and aquaculture sector in Australia
2. To develop, through case studies and workshop processes, a range of feasible response strategies in order to assist the fishing and aquaculture industry to best manage the impact of greenhouse emission policies on their businesses.
3. To identify further issues for research by the fishing and aquaculture industry in order for the sector to successfully respond to the implementation of greenhouse emission policies in Australia.
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