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Fish and Chips Awards 2021

Project number: 2020-110
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $80,000.00
Principal Investigator: Veronica Papacosta
Organisation: Seafood Industry Australia (SIA)
Project start/end date: 13 Jun 2021 - 27 Feb 2022


Throughout 2017-2019 FRDC established the Fish and Chip awards as a way to create debate around seafood, raise its profile and use this as a vehicle to promote information about sustainability, fisheries management and the R&D being undertaken to underpin it. The approach worked very well generating more than 90,000 votes, hundreds of media articles and millions of consumer views of that media coverage.

There is a need to ensure the base developed in the first three years is not lost and that SIA continues to build on it and centralise consumer-facing activities under the industry’s brand, Great Australian Seafood.

SIA will continue to deliver retailers, consumers and media information on the sustainability of Australian seafood, underutilised species, FishNames, CoOL, along with any other relevant R&D and extension.

In this initial year of SIA management, we will investigate the opportunities for sponsorship of the program and develop a timeline for a self-sustaining model.

There is also a need for SIA to demonstrate how an activity such as foodservice and consumer awards can deliver tangible results. To do this, SIA is looking to capture consumer opinion, engage retailers and measure behaviour.


1. Transfer the Fish and Chip Awards from FRDC to SIA
2. Rebadge the Fish and Chip Awards as the Great Australian Seafood Fish and Chip Awards
3. Raise awareness of Great Australian Seafood as a source of seafood information for retailers and consumers
4. Drive consumer and retailer engagement with Great Australian Seafood and the Australian seafood industry
5. Improve consumer awareness of the sustainability of the Australian seafood industry
6. Maintain the database of fish and chip shops, and consumers
7. Develop sponsorship opportunities
8. Develop awards Legacy and Contingency Plan.
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