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Platinum partner for the 2012 International Abalone Symposium in Hobart, Tasmania

Project number: 2011-508
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Nick G. Elliott
Organisation: Conference Design Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 14 Apr 2011 - 29 May 2012


The International Abalone Symposium is a meeting held every three years and is a key activity for the International Abalone Society (http://internationalabalonesociety.org/). The Society is an international forum that aims to promote research on abalone and cooperation between researchers, managers and members of the abalone industries.

The International Abalone Symposium returns after 18 years to Tasmania - home of the world's largest wild abalone fishery. The 8th IAS meeting (May 2012) will continue the tradition of bringing together a diversity of international people with one common interest; abalone. The meeting will be designed to encourage engagement and interaction between commercial fishers and growers, managers and policy makers, processors and marketers, and researchers from numerous disciplines.

The IAS2012 program (http://www.cdesign.com.au/ias2012/) will endeavor to address issues of global importance, commercial relevance and scientific interest in Themes that include - Aquaculture, Biotechnology, Climate Change, Conservation, Fisheries, Health, Markets, Post-harvest, Re-seeding and stock enhancement, and Spatial management.

Key to bringing the IAS meeting to Australia in 2012 was to showcase the Australian industries and research, and to revitalize the international interest in abalone fisheries and conservation.

Australian representation and participation at previous symposia has included representatives from the commercial fishers, farmers, processors, managers and researchers. Holding the 8th IAS meeting in Australia will provide an opportunity for a greater proportion of the Australian abalone community to participate and learn, and to better understand the international industries. Support through this project will contribute to the success of the 8th IAS meeting and encourage higher participation by members of the Australian abalone community.


1. Platinum sponsorship of the 8th International Abalone Symposium in Hobart, May 2012
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