2 results

Tactical Research Fund: developing postharvest capability at the Lakes Entrance Fishermans Coop

Project number: 2012-230
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $83,500.00
Organisation: Lakes Entrance Fishermans Cooperative Ltd
Project start/end date: 28 Feb 2013 - 29 Dec 2013


Although some 4,000 tonnes per annum of mixed seafood – predominately scale fish – is landed by the fleet LEFCOL provides services to, the volume of this catch which is directly purchased, converted and marketed by LEFCOl is less than 150tonnes pa.

The majority of the catch is traded via traditional trading channels, being Melbourne and Sydney based commission agents and buyers. In what could be described as a ‘supply push’ channel strategy,the fish is caught and sent to market with no definitive knowledge of what the returns will be. This opportunistic, short term and disjointed approach has limited the opportunity for a structured yield improvement for the catchers and stifled growth for LEFCOL and the region.

There is a real possibility to build a vibrant post-harvest value adding operation at LEFCOL, particularly given its strategic location, its membership, the size, likely/potential quality and consistency of the harvest and the existing facility.

The development needed at LEFCOL will only be achieved by improving the capacity and capability of the people who deliver the services.

Having a structured approach to building the capacity of the workforce will therefore positively impact and improve the services delivered
The extra facilities and professional workforce created will offer many openings – some may not be seafood related as by creating a regional processing hub to this order may well support other ideas and interests.

From a Workforce development structure there would need to be an increase in staffing. Currently, there is no suitably skilled seafood processing resources available in Lakes Entrance to develop a pilot programme.

The intention is that this proposed activity would be a proof of concept to 'unlock' Victorian Government funds to take this pilot to a commercialisation phase.


1. Assessment of the commercial and culinary capabilities of various seafood species including by-product
2. Development of suitable product specifications and grades per the above assessment and market opportunity knowledge
3. Development of suitable post harvest handling protocols and packaging requirements to meet the designed specifications
4. Development of cost/price metrics by product, form, pack and market
5. Development of suitable channels to market by product type
6. Development of suitable logistics solutions per market channel and product type
7. Development of quality assurance and process control protocols by product
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