38 results

Recreational Southern Rock Lobster tagging program – assessing current data and modelling assumptions and approaches to establish a robust estimate

This project assesses options for streamlining and improving the current electronic reporting process (VicRLTag app) based on an evaluation of the first three years of the Victorian Recreational Rock Lobster Tagging Program.
University of Tasmania (UTAS)

Ensuring monitoring and management of bycatch in Southern Rock Lobster fisheries is best practice

Bycatch is an important issue in fisheries worldwide, with the impacts of fishing activities on non-targeted species and the wider marine environment receiving increasing public attention. Issues such as the potential wastage of resources through discarding of unwanted catch, ecological impacts on...
University of Tasmania (UTAS)

Rebuilding Southern Rock Lobster stocks on the east coast of Tasmania: informing options for management

Understanding relationships between fisher behaviour, their expectations/aspirations, responses to changes in stock status and to management intervention is critical when implementing effective management strategies. This project aims to inform on the practical challenges to achieving the stock...
University of Tasmania (UTAS)

Improving post-harvest survival of live held Southern Rock Lobster

Project number: 2016-235
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $663,818.43
Principal Investigator: Quinn P. Fitzgibbon
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2016 - 31 Oct 2018


The export of southern rock lobsters from southern Australia to markets in Asia is one of Australia’s most valuable fisheries and currently accounts for approximately 3500-4000 tonnes with a gross revenue of approximately AUD200 million. The export industry is an important component of the market supply chain as it provides the link between fisheries and the international markets. The ability to maintain or hold lobsters for extended periods is imperative for the industry to capitalize on fluctuating market demand and gain maximum return for the fishery product. During the 2016 season, levels of pre-export mortality has been severe with losses in the hundreds of $1000’s reported by several exporting companies. Industry have been forced to change operating practices and on-sell lobsters soon after landing placing further strain on revenue. High levels of post-export mortality have also been described by purchasers which is damaging to the Australian Southern Rock Lobster brand. This damage has been reported to have already resulted in a significant drop in the international price for Australian lobsters which combined with losses due to mortality is placing significant strain on the viability of the Australian lobster export industry. It is feared that continual poor performance of exported live lobsters will trigger key Asian markets to place a moratorium on the Australian product that could jeopardize the entire fishing industry. Considering the severity and widespread nature of this event and in depth and concerted effort is warranted to determine the cause of the mortality and to develop strategies to minimize its impact in future fishery seasons.


1. Undertake an epidemiological investigation to describe the magnitude of the event and to identify potential environmental and management risk factor(s) associated with increased mortality
2. Examine the underlying physiological processes or mechanisms resulting in lobster mortality and potential links with marine biotoxins
3. Full review of the pathology from both the Tasmanian and South Australian mortality events during the 2016 season as well as further characterisation of any significant pathologies (e.g. antennule gland changes) observed in these investigations as well as further pathological investigations for the 2017 season.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925646-81-8
Authors: Quinn P. Fitzgibbon Charles Caraguel Stephen B. Pyecroft Caleb Gardner Ryan Day Kandarp Patel Johanna J. Mahadevan
Final Report • 2020-02-26 • 25.84 MB


This report details the results of a multifaceted research program led by the Institute for Marine & Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania in collaboration with the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, The University of Adelaide. The work was undertaken to better evaluate post-harvest mortality of Southern Rock lobster (SRL) and investigate tools and processes to improve lobster holding within the SRL processing and exporting industry sector. The research was conducted to investigate a recent apparent increase in post-harvest mortality of SRL across the entire SRL industry sector in Tasmania, South Australia and Victoria. The research program was comprised of dedicated investigations of the physiology and pathology of moribund lobsters and the epidemiology (or patterns and associated factors) of lobster mortality across the industry sector and within case facilities. Complimentary research was conducted to inform and educate industry on “best practices” for post-harvest maintenance of live SRL and to develop practical extension tools to determine quality and vitality of captive SRL stock.
Collectively, the physiological and pathological investigations did not support the systematic association of a detectable crustacean pathogen with lower post-harvest SRL survival. However, a field survey suggested a limited holding capability in some exporting facilities leading to sub-standard stock survival and impacting commercial processes. Anecdotal reports from industry suggest an increased sensitivity of lobsters in recent seasons and the project hypothesis is that the animals are experiencing reduced holding capacity and increased mortality rates post capture as a result higher physiological stress, reduced immune function and then overwhelming infections with secondary bacteria or loss of physiological maintenance leading to death. However, further investigations, particularly on the role of potential unknown viral pathogens, is required to completely rule-out an infectious aetiology. 
The cause for the apparent sensitivity remains unclear, which could be related with environmental stress, such as increasing water temperatures. The south east coast of Australia has been identified as an ocean warming hotspot. The impact of this environmental change on SRL physiology currently remains unclear and should form the basis of future research. The project is particularly concerned that environmental change may be impacting lobster moult cycles resulting in weak pre- and post-moult lobsters being landed during the fishing season. Currently there are no practical and accurate methods available for industry to identify pre- and post-moult lobsters. The project strongly recommends that improved tools for the assessment of lobster moult cycle and stress condition are developed and made available to industry stakeholders across the entire post-harvest chain of custody. 
Investigation revealed considerable differences in industry live lobster management practices and apparent levels of mortality across the sector. These findings suggest a role of post-harvest practices for improving lobster performance in holding. Physiological and epidemiological investigation particularly highlight the potential for transport related emersion, stocking practices and sub-optimal physicochemical water quality (particularly low pH) to impact SRL mortality in holding. Mortality appears most severe during the warmer months during summer likely due to the heightened metabolic demands of lobsters associated with higher temperatures. The project strongly recommends that the Australian SRL industry focusses dedicated effort towards optimising post-harvest practices from wild capture to international export. 
The project has taken significant steps towards facilitating improved industry practice through:
  • Initial validation of improved lobster quality assessment tools, handheld lactate meter
  • Assessment of water quality measurement tools
  • Industry education on best practices through industry workshops
  • The development of an SRL processors industry best practice guide 
  • Development and validation of new immune function assays for SRL
  • Development of SRL haemolymph biochemical profiling capacity in Australia
  • Development of an SRL health assessment procedure manual 
In conclusion, the SRL industry is in a period of change and the industry must adapt to this change. The industry is changing in terms of its business model, political atmosphere and physical environment, all of which heighten the requirement for optimal post-harvest processes. The increased value of lobsters and reliance on live export has meant that even low levels of stock losses can have significant financial or SRL brand consequences. The political atmosphere is changing as consumer perceptions on the health and welfare of lobsters is increasingly becoming an important marketing issue. Finally, SRL exists in a global warming hot spot which appears to be placing new challenges for appropriate post-harvest processes. It is clear that the ultimate outcome for a lobster is dependent on the sum of its experiences through the entire post-harvest chain of custody. This project has focused on practices by the processing and holding industry sector. For optimum performance of SRL from capture to market, requires further research on other aspects of post-harvest processes, including the fishing industry and post export maintenance sectors. 
Anecdotal evidence suggests the industry has accepted the need for improve industry practices and several companies have made efforts to improve operations. Feedback from industry suggests that levels of mortalities across the sector have reduced in recent seasons which may be because of these improved maintenance practices. Attached to this final report is an impact statement from one of Australia’s largest SRL processors and export companies which details how the company pro-actively acted on project findings/recommendations and implemented numerous changes to company practices. In the most recent 2018-19 season, this company has experienced a 50% reduction in mortality that may be attributed to these improved practices. A 50% reduction to mortality loss across the industry sector represents a FRDC return for investment of 3-fold in just a single year and 30-fold over a decade. 
The project findings suggest a need for improved industry practices, particularly in the key areas of:
  • Post capture transport, particularly on land dry transport procedures
  • Post transport recovery and purging procedures
  • Holding facility aquaculture systems 
  • Water quality monitoring and maintenance
  • Live lobster handling procedures
  • Data collection and stock traceability
  • Stock quality assessments
Details regarding these recommendations are provided in this report and to industry within the “Best Practice” guide. 
The project gathered feedback from industry members about industry concerns and future research priorities. The project identified 19 knowledge gaps or potential future research priorities regarding best post-harvest practice for live SRL. Written feedback on priority ranking of these research priorities were received from industry participants. Based on this feedback the top ranked future research priority for the post-harvest maintenance of live SRL was:
  • The development of improved tools and validation of condition/vitality assessments and relationship to survivability during holding, including Brix, lactate meter, reflex responses
Further to the ranked priorities, another priority which was not ranked at the industry workshop but was brought up by industry participants as a high priority was:
  • The assessment and refinement of on-vessel handling and maintenance processes to improve post capture lobster condition/vitality/survivability 
The project supports these two research priorities as they extend best practice across the entire chain of post-harvest custody from capture to export and will result in tools that will inform fisherman and processors on the quality of the stock and suitability of maintenance practices. We consider the next most important research priority would be the development of improved transport technologies and procedure to limit emersion stress on lobsters. 

Phase 2: Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market

Project number: 2016-177
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $265,000.00
Principal Investigator: Laurie B. Bonney
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 May 2017 - 16 Jul 2019


The need for traceability was first prioritised in strategic planning by SRL because of a bloom in harmful algae (HABs). These events in 2013 occurred during a closed season but highlighted the vulnerability of the industry to the lack of traceability - a bloom in the open season and subsequent recall would have led to all. Australian product being recalled, not just lobsters from affected areas. The impact would have been catastrophic. The need is now recognised to be wider than HABs and includes risk management options for food safety incidents beyond toxic algal blooms, compliance with changes to requirements of importing countries, business-to-business and business-to-consumer verification of food safety, quality, and sustainability credentials. Traceability also enables the industry to look back at harvesting operations - what locations and practices led to the best product delivered to consumers?

Seafood is the most highly traded food commodity globally, and yet there is very little traceability in any seafood supply chain, or country of origin labelling at the point of market, including those used for live Australian Southern Rock Lobster (ASRL). A successful project will lead the seafood industry in traceability, providing a lead for other seafood industries. Improved technical traceability may also open up new markets such as the European Union - currently no SRL operators are accredited for lobster export to the EU.

The main need at present is the Chinese market by the introduction of a tagging/traceability system to clearly identify and differentiate ASRL in the China market from other imported lobster. Indeed, actions to address traceability forms part of the first priority issue within Objective 1 (“Add value along the supply chain from fisher to customer”) within SRL’s SRL’s Strategy 2022, and previously Strategic Plan 2011-16. These type of requirements are increasingly being applied for traded food and are evolving. A traceability system for ASRL would also facilitate compliance with the Global Seafood Sustainability Initiative (GSSI) emerging.


1. Traceability/sensor technologies integrated in chains
2. Traceability system validated
3. Traceability system value proposition(s) determined.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-81652-4
Authors: Laurie Bonney Luke Mirowski Ryan Day Mikaela Seabourne Shayden vanWinden Sumit Verma Son Anh Vo Caleb Gardner Paul Turner
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.
Final Report • 2020-09-08 • 5.81 MB


This document is the final report of the project (FRDC 2016-177) ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobsters’. It has been prepared by researchers from University of Tasmania.
The project ‘Traceability Systems for Wild Caught Lobster, via Sense-T and Pathways to Market’ aims to contribute to improving traceability and product provenance within the wild caught Southern Rock Lobster supply chain. The project was divided into two phases:
  • Phase One: a multidisciplinary scoping phase previously completed (FRDC 2016-228) and,
  • Phase Two: a system design and trial evaluation phase that is the focus of this final report (FRDC 2016-177)
The overall project arises from changes to international and national settings relevant to the SRL industry. In particular, the China Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is a key driver, as changes in the Chinese market will continue to impact on the way lobster are traded to China into the future. In designing the overall project, the research team considered earlier FRDC/ASCRC (Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre) project reports and these included: 2012/704, 2012/705, 2012/741, 2010/716, CRC Supply Chain Technology Report. Other project reports the team were aware of prior to conducting this research proposal included: 2012/702, 2011/748, 2012/703, 2008/790, 2007/700, 2007/708.
Using the framework developed in Phase One (FRDC 2016-228), Phase Two was designed to accommodate differential levels of existing traceability amongst businesses of different sizes along the rock lobster supply chain. As a consequence, the investigation and enhancement of traceability was conducted at three different levels reflecting differential needs/capacity of industry participants:
  • Batch level;
  • Batch level with individual tagging;
  • Item level with individual tagging.
These different levels of traceability were then investigated and implemented using a variety of systems and technologies in six work programs structured as follows:
  • WP1 - Batch Level Traceability (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP2 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor)
  • WP3 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (boat)
  • WP4 - Batch Level Traceability with Individual Tagging (processor/overseas processor)
  • WP5 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (boat/truck/processor)
  • WP6 - Item Level traceability with individual tagging (processor/overseas processor)
Results and Outputs
Through engagement with the industry the team have developed a tailored approach to SRL traceability systems supported by policies and procedures, data models and a series of benchmarking checklists.
The research has also produced several digital tools and techniques that have been deployed as part of the trial and evaluation work conducted with industry. These trials and their evaluation are presented as a series of case studies presented throughout this section of the report. The case studies provide standards and practical advice on how to implement and achieve defined levels of traceability. This work is based on the globally recognised GSM1 standards and was customised for the SRL industry through survey and engagement with the industry across South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
The combined insights from this research work have also been integrated into two standalone guides for on-going use by the SRL industry:
  1. The traceability implementation guide aims to directly support industry to improve their traceability practises:
  2. The traceability systems and technology products guide provides insights into suitable tools to support traceability at different levels and at different points along the supply chain.
This project has raised awareness of the importance of traceability within and along the southern rock lobster supply chain. The research team have engaged with the industry on their current practices and identified and demonstrated through trial and evaluation a range of mechanisms, tools and techniques to enhance SRL traceability systems. The production of a ‘Traceability Implementation’ guide provides the SRL industry with a genuine opportunity to take a step forward to ‘better traceability practises’ and it opens up the possibility for the industry to consider the development of an industry traceability platform for coordination and integration of an industry-wide traceability system built on GS1 standards.
Based on the results and outputs from this project it is evident that there are still several challenges to the implementation of standard industry-wide traceability practises. However, this project has raised awareness and demonstrated a way forward to achieving this goal. To that end, the following recommendations can be made:
  • Continued consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders to strengthen the desire and willingness to progress traceability improvements across the industry. The benefits of traceability and the value it adds to the fishery are well recognised, indicating that further research into the development and implementation of specific, actionable traceability system elements will likely be well received.
  • The occurrence of harmful algal blooms such as Alexandrium tamarense, which cause the build-up of paralytic shellfish toxin, will force the industry to adopt some system of traceability or face closures and brand damage. As blooms have been limited to Tasmania thus far, this segment of the SRL industry is at particular risk. The implementation of at least batch level traceability with evidence of where lobsters were caught will help to mitigate this risk.
  • Further research into the development of tagging approaches and alternatives should be a priority. Tagging lobsters with unique identifiers is a critical element of any highly precise traceability system. Unfortunately, it is also labour intensive and time consuming and represents a barrier to acceptance and uptake by the industry. The development of a new tagging approaches or even ‘tagless techniques’ hold promise and should continue to be investigated.
  • Brand differentiation between rock lobsters is a potential area of growth for the SRL industry. Although the SRL industry considers itself to be producing a premium product, the reality is that there is currently no differentiation between SRL and other rock lobsters at markets and wholesalers in China. Further development of the SRL brand and provenance can take advantage of this and position SRL as a prestige product.
  • Industry members expressed enthusiasm for the development of water quality monitoring devices that can be incorporated into traceability systems. The understanding and management of water quality is variable across the industry, so tools that assist the measurement and recording of water quality will help to improve holding practises as well as provide evidence of good care of stock along the supply chain.
Project Extension
Building on these recommendations is the idea of developing a traceability software platform which could integrate batch and item level technologies along the supply chain and underpin SRL quality and safety auditing programmes. The key elements of this platform have been trialled as part of this existing project so there is a genuine opportunity to significantly extend this platform to all industry participants and to facilitate moving the whole industry forward in its adoption of traceability better practises.
Another important area for consideration for project extension results from on-going doctoral research that has been aligned to this research project. This PhD research is continuing to explore new technologies using digital image processing to develop approaches for ‘tagless’ hybrid traceability solutions integrating automatic grading with biometric identification through use of computer vision and AI for use along the rock lobster supply chain including for providing provenance authentication information to end-consumers.

Improved understanding of Tasmanian harmful algal blooms and biotoxin events to support seafood risk management

The 2012 Tasmanian biotoxin event represents a paradigm shift for seafood risk management in Tasmania and Australia as a whole. The causative dinoflagellates are extremely difficult to identify by routine plankton monitoring, and are toxic at very low cell concentrations (50-100 cells/L). Sampling...
University of Tasmania (UTAS)
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