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Tactical Research Fund: development and validation of effective and affordable oyster production systems in the face of POMS disease of Pacific Oysters and QX disease of Sydney Rock Oysters - evaluation from a production, research and economic perspective

Project number: 2012-229
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $25,000.00
Principal Investigator: Steven M. Jones
Organisation: Aglign Ag Consulting Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 12 Mar 2013 - 29 Jun 2013


After QX impacted oyster production in 2004, Broken Bay Oyster Association (BBOA) and encouraged by Government at all levels invested in new growing techniques with triploid pacific oysters. NSW DPI forecast 466 bags production by 09/10. by 10/11, BBOA produced 4569 bags - 10 times forecast and was the leading employer in the community and had resulted in an environmental cleanup of 8000 tonnes of rubbish removed. BBOA is today recognised and acknowledged nationally and internationally as an iconic example of a phoenix industry – emerging from the ashes of disaster. Members became active internationally to understand the disease and possible ways of managing oyster farming in the face of this new threats and invested (in-kind and $$) in world leading research to develop management plans around disease.

Despite significant pro-active undertakings by BBOA & government, on 22/01/2013, POMS was confirmed in a major juvenile growing area in the HR. By 8/02/2013, POMS has been identified throughout the Hawkesbury, Patonga and Brisbane Waters estuaries. Oyster losses are extreme (99% death of juvenile oysters) and still unfolding. The disease speed of infection and level of devastation was unprecedented. Oyster businesses got minimal notice to handle or sell stock before it became un-saleable.

To move forward, BBOA recognises the need to work with stakeholders (researchers, administrators and other river citizens) to identify possible survival mechanisms for the oyster industry in the Hawkesbury. IMPORTANTLY, the combination of QX and POMS offers a unique opportunity for production solutions to be identified, analysed and costed as a planning tool for other as yet unaffected oyster production areas around Australia. The devastating speed of the disease has resulted in the total removal of cash flow from BBOA and limited their opportunity to respond with alternate production methods.


1. Review current production and culture methods and possible alternatives as they relate to mitigating POMS.
2. Determine feasibility of alternative options through benefit cost analysis.
3. Review current administrative and regulatory barriers to change and methods to overcome them.
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