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Mapping fisheries data used to support Status of Key Australian Fish Stocks Reports

Project number: 2014-030.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $74,320.00
Principal Investigator: Matt Koopman
Organisation: Koopman Family Trust
Project start/end date: 28 Sep 2014 - 24 Sep 2015


The FRDC released the Status of Key Australian Fish Stocks Reports in 2012 to provide a scientifically robust, simple tool to inform fishers, seafood consumers, managers, policy makers and the broader community about the stock status of key wild-caught fish stocks around Australia. This publication was prepared by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, in collaboration with government fishery research agencies in all Australian jurisdictions with marine fisheries, an enormous task that involved cooperation from over 80 researchers.

The collation of data from 49 different species (or species complexes) from around Australia required cross-jurisdictional cooperation in determining assessments. This process highlighted the differences in data collected between agencies in terms of quality, quantity and format, which greatly increased the effort required to prepare the Reports.

The second edition of this series is being prepared during 2014, and it is anticipated that it will be repeated every second year. The effort and cost of producing the report could be significantly reduced if the data used to inform assessments was standardised across jurisdictions, and was readily available through a fisheries data portal. Further, making this data publically available through the website would allow the public to run their own queries, increasing transparency, reducing red tape and creating other efficiencies.

Before this can be done however, there is a need for greater understanding of the challenges involved in mapping fisheries data collected by different agencies. Given the large number of fisheries agencies around Australia, and the variety of data they collect and/or generate, this proposal is for a pilot study focusing on data collected by SA and NT, who have agreed to participate.


1. Identify data collected by State, Commonwealth and other research agencies for each main South Australian and Northern Territory fish stock that is used to support the Status of Key Australian Fish Stocks Reports
2. Describe data sets identified including (but not limited to) assessment of data quality, fields collected, units, completeness, frequency of collection, privacy restrictions and storage format
2. Undertake Gap analysis of data collected for each stock and develop framework for rollout of project for all fish stocks in the Status of Key Australian Fish Stocks Reports

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-6480172-0-2
Author: Matt M. Koopman
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